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DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS / UNEP DTIE IETC Expert Meeting on Sustainable Building and Construction.

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Presentation on theme: "DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS / UNEP DTIE IETC Expert Meeting on Sustainable Building and Construction."— Presentation transcript:

1 DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS / UNEP DTIE IETC Expert Meeting on Sustainable Building and Construction

2 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics / www.uneptie.org2 Background to activities UNEP IETC working on urban issues Water, waste, environmental management of cities Exemplary publications: Urban Environmental Management: Environmental Management System Training Resource Kit Agenda21 for Sustainable Construction in DC

3 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics / www.uneptie.org3 WSSD Plan of Implementation & building and construction sector 19. (b) Integrate energy considerations, including energy efficiency, affordability and accessibility, into socio- economic programmes, especially into policies of major energy-consuming sectors, and into the planning, operation and maintenance of long-lived energy consuming infrastructures, such as the public sector, transport, industry, agriculture, urban land use, tourism and construction sectors;

4 DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS / UNEP DTIE IETC Expert Meeting on Sustainable Building and Construction Paris – December 2002 Key recommendation: for UNEP to support the growing SBC network through international co-ordination.

5 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics / www.uneptie.org5 Paris Meeting Outcomes UNEP has therefore created an online forum to: link the SBC organisations showcase initiatives enable communication between partners co-ordinate activities/initiatives disseminate news

6 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics / www.uneptie.org6 SBC Initiative - building the potential to change, by...  Promoting implementation of SBC, based on a life-cycle approach and integrating environmental and social considerations into all business decisions;  Promoting sustainable consumption by emphasizing innovation of products (energy/water/materials efficiency), mixed-use, changes in operational behaviour, and responsible choices;

7 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics / www.uneptie.org7 And...  Encouraging the development of new visions, strategies and co-operative activities across the life cycle of buildings (from planning and design, through construction, use and demolition/deconstruction)  Engaging all stakeholders

8 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics / www.uneptie.org8 Activities A framework plan of action, including the following activities:  UNEP/Sustainable Building Collaboration publication  Professional practice kits for schools and practitioners (architects, planners) - adapting curricula  Monograph - collaborative publication on basic principles for SBC (based on LCA)

9 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics / www.uneptie.org9 Activities….. -Developing-country conferences (pre-conference studies and action agenda) -GEF Proposal - Sub-Saharan African project (4 countries aiming at energy-efficient & sustainable housing)

10 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics / www.uneptie.org10 Activities….. -Web portals (Keystone) & SBIS -E-courses (LCA) -Project-based indicators -Ensuring partner participation in ongoing activities (including ISO development of indicators, Green Building Challenge, procurement, EU networks).

11 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics / www.uneptie.org11 UNEP related work areas Division of Technology, Industry and Economics -IETC – Urban Issues, ESTs, Water - Cleaner Production & Sustainable Consumption (tourism, retail,LCI) -Energy (transport) -Economics and Trade – Finance Initiative

12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics / www.uneptie.org12 Future Planning / Roadmapping To make SBC a reality, required changes include: -Institutional structures -Regulations and policy -Economic instruments -markets -Cultural – value systems

13 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics / www.uneptie.org13 UNEP SBC Milestones This meeting – engaging the North American stakeholders (SBC Forum) Rotterdam – Dec 2003 Tokyo 2005 (Sustainable Building Conf) World Urban Forum 2006

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