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A Regional Sustainability Initiative Jon Parsons, P.E. Executive Director.

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1 A Regional Sustainability Initiative Jon Parsons, P.E. Executive Director


3 Charlotte Triad (Greensboro) Triangle (Raleigh) Mountains Coast The “Eco-Crescent” Finance Tourism Creative & Knowledge-based

4 Furniture Agriculture Textiles But 1 “industry” remains strong…. The 3 traditional business sectors in the Sandhills are under stress.

5 Fort Bragg’s Impact on the Sandhills Active Duty – 53,000 Reserve Components – 9,500 Temp Duty Students – 3,100 Mobilized Soldiers Assigned – 2,700 Civilian Employees – 8,800 Contractors – 3,500 Active Duty Family – 63,000 Retirees & Family – 98,500 TOTAL Population = 242,100 OR 35% of the Sandhills TOTAL

6 Threats to Fort Bragg’s Mission: Endangered species – the Red Cockaded Woodpecker Incompatible development Private Lands Initiative Joint Land Use Study (Regional Land Use Advisory Commission – RLUAC) Ammo Dump! Sandhills Area Land Trust

7 Urban Growth Pattern 1930s 1950s1970s1990s2000

8 Regional Land Use Advisory Commission (RLUAC) Purpose - Promote a regional perspective on land use - Provide forum for noise/accident potential problems and mitigations - Foster compatible land uses - Foster increased economic development related to military Joint Land Use Study - Completed in 2003, it addressed parcels in a 1 mile buffer zone surrounding the Installation - Identified “critical” and “important” civilian parcels for conservation to ensure compatible land use in the 1 mile buffer zone

9 Threats to Fort Bragg’s Mission: Endangered species (RCW) Incompatible development Population growth, resource scarcity & degradation Private Lands Initiative Joint Land Use Study – RLUAC Fort Bragg BRAC Regional Task Force

10 Montgomery (27,153) (33,211) (+22%) Moore (79,342) (111,856) (+41%) Lee (50,146) (66,238) (+32%) Harnett (99,628) (163,176) (+64%) Cumberland (310,850) (371,446) (+19%) Hoke (38,626) (73,854) (+91%) Scotland (36,864) (39,976) (+8%) Richmond (46,452) (46,938) (+1%) Estimated Population 2005 – 690,000 2030 – 940,000 250,000 new residents County Name (2004 population) (2030 estimate) (% growth) BRAC 2005: Add another 40,000-50,000!

11 BRAC Regional Task Force Purpose To coordinate the community planning effort for the shortfalls and requirements in the counties and municipalities affected by BRAC actions at Fort Bragg & Pope AFB Scope Serve as the liaison between the military; the affected communities; the local & state government agencies impacted; and the federal agencies providing economic assistance to the region. BRAC RTF Planning Committees HousingWorkforce Development SchoolsBusiness & Defense Contractors TransportationInfrastructure: Public Works/Safety/Recreation MedicalCompatible Development Arts & CultureMeeting & Convention Facilities

12 Sustainable Sandhills Purpose and Structure Purpose Promote and implement sustainable practices and projects in the Sandhills. Sustainable Sandhills Teams 1.Water Quality and Quantity 2.Materials Use & Waste 3.Energy Use 4.Air Quality 5.Sustainable Land Use Sustainable Fort Bragg Goal Teams 1.Water Use 2.Water Quality 3.Waste Reduction 4.Green Purchasing 5.Green Building 6.Energy Conservation 7.Air Quality - Commuting 8.Air Quality – Alt Fuels 9.Land - Compatible Use 10.Land – Training

13 5 Community Resource Teams WATER MATERIALS USE ENERGY USE AIR Sustainable LAND USE

14 Sustainable Land Use Team USEPA Grant award 3 years (7/05 – 7/08) $265,000 Develop a GIS-based Sustainable Land Use Toolkit for the REGION “Painless” public workshops!

15 Sustainable Land Use What is it? ?

16 Break the Problem Down! Concentrate on 5 distinct Land Uses Development – Industrial, Commercial, Residential Conservation – Working Lands, Natural Lands Suitability Maps Assets & Constraints

17 Development ASSETS ASSET LIST In or near city limit Near public water Near public sewer Appropriate parcel size Near primary roads Near active rail service Influence of Fort Bragg Near schools Mount Gilead, Industrial Park 38 Acres Town of Troy, Business Center - 55 Acres

18 Ammo Dump! Development Constraints CONSTRAINT LIST Too near Ft. Bragg Steep slope Wet soils (hydric) Flood zones Wetlands Septic suitability

19 1 of 5 “Suitability Maps” Red - most suitable Orange - suitable Yellow - less suitable Greens - least suitable Commercial Development

20 Add the primary roads Commercial Development Red - most suitable Orange - suitable Yellow - less suitable Greens - least suitable 1 of 5 “Suitability Maps”

21 What’s next? Overlay 5 maps into ONE Add special places – historic, cultural, recreation Add statistics/reporting tools Highlight opportunities for sustainable land use

22 What’s next? Alternative Futures 3 development scenarios 1.Business as usual 2.Incremental change 3.“Deep” change Variable impacts on Air quality Water quality & quantity Traffic, health, income….

23 Collaborative Planning Effort A THREE-WAY STREET!! BRAC RTF: Comprehensive Growth Management Plan - Major socio-economic study to identify requirements caused by BRAC growth in 11 county region (OEA) RLUAC: Joint Land Use Study UPDATE - Expand area of study from 1 mile to 5 mile zone (OEA) Sustainable Sandhills: Expand Scope of EPA grant - Add “alternative futures” module (EPA request) - Expand region from 8 to 11 counties (OEA) - Incorporate new socio-economic data from BRAC-RTF study into the EPA’s GIS-based project (OEA)

24 Sustainable Land Use Think of the region like a quilt We’re simply organizing the pieces

25 So what’ll it be??? A crazy quilt? Or sustainable future?

26 A Regional Sustainability Initiative Jon Parsons, P.E. Executive Director 910-484-9098

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