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How can we add to the Development of e-Government? Telecentre-Europe Summit 2010 Budapest, 13-14 October 2010 Loreta Krizinauskiene Association Langas.

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Presentation on theme: "How can we add to the Development of e-Government? Telecentre-Europe Summit 2010 Budapest, 13-14 October 2010 Loreta Krizinauskiene Association Langas."— Presentation transcript:

1 How can we add to the Development of e-Government? Telecentre-Europe Summit 2010 Budapest, 13-14 October 2010 Loreta Krizinauskiene Association Langas I Ateiti/Window to the Future 1

2 Langas į ateitį /Window to the Future Background Langas į ateitį is a Society modernization initiative launched by private business companies in 2002 Mission - to promote the use of internet in Lithuania encouraging society to use e- services Members: OMNITEL, Swedbank, SEB bankas, ATEA Partners: Ministry of Interior, Microsoft Lithuania, public relations company PR Service, law firm LAWIN etc. 2

3 Langas į Ateitį Activities Since 2002 1)Establishing P ublic Internet Access P oints/PIAP 2)Training society in using computers, Internet and e-services 3)Promoting the usage of online services 1)Establishing P ublic Internet Access P oints/PIAP 2)Training society in using computers, Internet and e-services 3)Promoting the usage of online services 3

4 What is a Lithuanian PIAP net? Public Internet Access Point Network in Libraries and other Institutions (90% in public libraries) 2-5 PC with free Internet access PIAP provides information and consultation on e- services as well as IT training 80% of PIAP are located in rural areas PIAP is a key point of attraction for the local rural community 4

5 PIAP network development since 2002 Integrating private, state and EU Funds over 1000 PIAP were established 200820062005 300 PIAPs400 PIAPs 20022010 75 PIAPs 100 PIAPs 193 PIAPs 5

6 PIAP network in Lithuania till 2012 is supported by: Local government(PIAP maintenance- internet connection, staff, premises etc.) Ministry of Interior Ministry of Culture Langas į ateitį 6

7 Ministry of Interior and Public Internet Access Points Technical support (help desk service) to PIAPs Update of PIAP software and hardware National electronic ID card readers installed in PIAP Promotion of local and central government online services 7

8 Libraries for Innovation and PIAPs Modern equipment to 1240 libraries (1200 with PIAP) 2000 librarians acquired ICT skills All library PIAPs are involved in society training, e-services promotion and consulting activities 8

9 Key Factors for Using PIAP in Libraries* It is free of charge Other library services Assistance of personnel No internet at home *Libraries for Innovation Report 2008 9

10 Most popular e-services used by PIAP visitors *Libraries for Innovation Report 2008 0%20%40%60%80%100% employment purchase study banking communication free time 10

11 Langas į ateitį project “Online services to the Lithuanian e-citizen” and PIAP Project duration – 2010-2012 Project value – 1,4 million EUR Project goal – 16 000 adults involved in two training programs Training content – ECDL e-Citizen program+ e- government and e-business services usage online training Target group – unemployed, disabled, residents from rural areas 360 PIAPs in rural areas are social partners of the project 11

12 How does Community benefit from PIAP? 12

13 Langas į ateitį project “Online services to the Lithuanian e-citizen” bridges e-government and citizens 13

14 14

15 Tel. +370 5 2397813 Thank you! 15

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