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ACT Prep Session #4 Algebra.

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Presentation on theme: "ACT Prep Session #4 Algebra."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACT Prep Session #4 Algebra

2 Objectives In this session, you will:
learn which algebra concepts are tested on the ACT practice solving algebra problems that are similar to classroom work become familiar with other ways in which algebra skills are tested on the ACT

3 Algebra on the ACT The ACT Math section will have about 23 algebra problems. 40%!!! To do your best on the algebra questions, you need to be able to: Solve an equation by plugging in a given variable Solve an equation in terms of a variable (literal) Factor quadratic equations Use exponents and radicals with variables Solve inequalities and absolute value problems Use and solve functions

4 Straightforward Algebra

5 Simplifying a Statement
Pick numbers if you forget these! Rules for Exponents

6 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
(find roots, find zeros, solve if =0) If a=1… If the signs are the same, they will match this sign. + means both signs the same - means the signs are different (Remember to look at the answer choices for hints. These are good candidates for Backsolving (guess and test).

7 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
If a=1… When multiplied, these two need to get c. When added, they need to get b.

8 If a is different from 1… Product = (6)(-5)=-30 Sum=-7 1*30 2*15
3*(-10) 3-10

9 Or, you could use….

10 Algebraic Reasoning Questions
If b > 0 and , which of the following must be true? A. C. B. D. E. The Answer’s in the Answers If you’re not sure what the problem is asking, take a look to see what the answer choices have in common. This can often help you get started.

11 Algebraic Reasoning Questions
If b > 0 and , which of the following must be true? A. C. B. D. E. What do they want? You can see all the answers start with c =. They want you to solve the literal equation for c.

12 Variables in Unexpected Places
The ACT will often test familiar material in challenging ways by using variables in unexpected places. 5 B. 2 C. -2 D. -5 K. can’t determine

13 Variables in Unexpected Places
4 B. 3/2 C. 1 D. 2/3 K. 0 Solving Approaches: Solve using logarithms Algebraic reasoning Guess and test

14 Practice x=-4

15 Practice x=2

16 Practice X=5

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