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Public Relations. 17-2 What is Public Relations?

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Presentation on theme: "Public Relations. 17-2 What is Public Relations?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Relations

2 17-2 What is Public Relations?

3 17-3 PR Definition A planned and systematic two way process of communication between an organization and its publics designed to build relationships and create good-will, understanding and support for the organization.

4 17-4 What are Publics?

5 17-5 Publics Definition Any group that has an common interest that can potentially impact an organization's ability to achieve its objectives

6 17-6 Two Kinds of Publics External Internal External Internal

7 17-7 Publics Exercise Get into groups and come up with all the publics for the following organizations: Moorpark High School South West Airlines Starkist Tuna Moorpark High School South West Airlines Starkist Tuna Determine what the impact is of each public on the organization’s ability to achieve its objectives

8 17-8 Levels of ‘Publics’ Conviction Opinion A conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof Attitude Feeling or position with regard to a person or thing Belief Like an opinion but stronger: One’s core values

9 17-9 Public Opinion What most people in a public think Transitory and unstable Based on perceptions Edward Bernays defines Public Opinion as: “I’ll defined, mercurial, and changeable group of individual judgments”

10 17-10 Differences between PR and Advertising PR Credibility of 3rd party endorsement Trust Non-Paid (≈) Advertising Runs exactly as advertiser approved Controlled Paid

11 17-11 Tobacco PR Strategy Considering your new knowledge on publics, what is your opinion of the tobacco industry stated strategy?

12 17-12 PR - Three levels of control Controlled Uncontrolled Semi Controlled

13 17-13 PSA’s given by company News Release - company Corporate, institutional, advocacy advertising Brochures, flyers, magazines, newsletters Annual reports Photographs, films, videos Displays, exhibits Speakers, staged events Books Controlled Media

14 17-14 New Release - third party News features Press conference Op/Ed pieces Talk shows PSA’s third party Uncontrolled Media

15 17-15 Word of mouth (buzz) Viral marketing Special events and sponsorships Blogs Semi-Controlled Media

16 17-16 Videos, DVDs and CDs Ideal tools for distributing in-depth information

17 17-17 Effectiveness and PR Evaluation is based on setting measurable objectives Baselines of criteria are established Baselines are compared to measured results

18 17-18 Publicity vs Advertising The management team of XYZ, Inc. has only enough budget to use either a PR campaign or an advertising campaign to get senior citizens to join their health spa. Split into two groups and each select one side. Make your case.

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