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The Present State of Sami Research in Sweden Peter Sköld Centre for Sami Research Umeå University Sweden.

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Presentation on theme: "The Present State of Sami Research in Sweden Peter Sköld Centre for Sami Research Umeå University Sweden."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Present State of Sami Research in Sweden Peter Sköld Centre for Sami Research Umeå University Sweden

2 Who are the Sami? A stereotype understanding focusing on A stereotype understanding focusing on Snow and cold climate Reindeer ”Strange” clothes

3 Where did the Sami come from? Central-Asian origin? Central-Asian origin? Finno-Ugric language Finno-Ugric language Scandinavian origin? Scandinavian origin? The oldest archeological sites claimed to be of Sami origin are 10 000 years old The oldest archeological sites claimed to be of Sami origin are 10 000 years old

4 Early sources Roman historians (Plinius & Tacitus) Roman historians (Plinius & Tacitus) Icelandic sagas Icelandic sagas Olaus Magnus (1555) Olaus Magnus (1555) Johannes Schefferus (1673) Johannes Schefferus (1673)

5 1550-1635 – territorial and legal period Church building Church building Markets Markets Courts Courts Tax sheriffs Tax sheriffs Trade Trade Sami text books Sami text books

6 Reindeer herding Higher taxes (fish and furs) Higher taxes (fish and furs) Increased trade Increased trade Supply of flour and butter Supply of flour and butter Growing population Growing population Decrease of trade and supply Decrease of trade and supply Population crisis Population crisis Full-scale reindeer herding Full-scale reindeer herding

7 1635-1673 Mining period Increased interest in the Baltic area Increased interest in the Baltic area 1635 – Nasa silver mine 1635 – Nasa silver mine Compulsory transport duties for the Sami Compulsory transport duties for the Sami Out-migration Out-migration Population decrease Population decrease

8 Sami religion Shamanistic (the noaidi) Shamanistic (the noaidi) Practical sacrifices Practical sacrifices Panteon of gods Panteon of gods Different fenomenology Different fenomenology Death penalties Death penalties Slow process of christenizing Slow process of christenizing

9 1673-1749 – Colonization excluding the Sami 1673 – The Settlement Act 1673 – The Settlement Act The Parallel Theory The Parallel Theory Slow process Slow process Legal protection of the Sami Legal protection of the Sami Sami Taxation Lands Sami Taxation Lands Great Swedish Expectations Great Swedish Expectations

10 1749-1846 Colonization including the Sami Mercantilism Mercantilism 1751 The Lapp Codicill 1751 The Lapp Codicill Sami settlements Sami settlements The Era of Sami Legal Backlash The Era of Sami Legal Backlash Less reindeer herders, larger reinder herds Less reindeer herders, larger reinder herds

11 1846-1913 The Era of Assimilation Increasing scientific interest (race biology) Increasing scientific interest (race biology) ”A dying race” ”A dying race” Reindeer herding laws Reindeer herding laws Sami ethnicity Sami ethnicity The loss of rights The loss of rights Borders are closed Borders are closed

12 1913-1971 The Era of Segregation Paternalism Paternalism The clash of reindeer herding methods The clash of reindeer herding methods ”The Lapp should be a Lapp” ”The Lapp should be a Lapp” A process of modernization A process of modernization

13 1971- Political Integration Political mobilization Political mobilization Sami organizations Sami organizations Media: a shifting focus from reindeer herding to conflicts Media: a shifting focus from reindeer herding to conflicts Legal processes Legal processes The Swedish Sami Parliament The Swedish Sami Parliament ILO 169 ILO 169

14 The importance of research based knowledge has increased within a wide range of areas The importance of research based knowledge has increased within a wide range of areas The Swedish and the Sami societies, desicion makers, researchers, teachers, politicians, investigators, officials and others lack the sufficient knowledge for handeling the Sami related questions of today The Swedish and the Sami societies, desicion makers, researchers, teachers, politicians, investigators, officials and others lack the sufficient knowledge for handeling the Sami related questions of today

15 Government proposal of 22 March 2005, Research for a Better Life Government proposal of 22 March 2005, Research for a Better Life ”of great importance that different branches of the Sami related research more extensively co-operate and that structures for broader collaboration between different research disciplines are formed in order to achieve synergy effects”

16 National responsibility NORWAY: Centre for Sami studies, Tromsø NORWAY: Centre for Sami studies, Tromsø FINLAND: Giellagas Institute, Oulu FINLAND: Giellagas Institute, Oulu SWEDEN: Centre for Sami Research, Umeå (?) SWEDEN: Centre for Sami Research, Umeå (?)

17 Model for the structure and co-ordination of Sami research in Sweden Co- ordinator Universities and institutes Archives and museums Media Equality councils Youth organizations International partners Government offices And communities Ministries Sami Parliament Research councils

18 Arctic Human Development Report BASIC SYSTEMS BASIC SYSTEMS Demography Demography Society and culture Society and culture Ekonomic systems Ekonomic systems Legal systems Legal systems CROSS THEMES CROSS THEMES Resourse control Resourse control Society development Society development Health Health Education Education Gender perspectives Gender perspectives International relations International relations

19 The Sami perspective INFORMATION TEXT BOOK politics & society politics & society history history industries industries culture culture language language religion religion Sami future Sami future EU-PROJECTS 2002-2006 reindeer herding reindeer herding identity identity archives archives health issues health issues gender perspectives gender perspectives companies and tourism companies and tourism handicrafts handicrafts the development of Sami villages the development of Sami villages information information education education

20 Prerequisites Infrastructure (source materials, data bases) Infrastructure (source materials, data bases) Coordination Coordination Competent researchers Competent researchers Strengthened economic resources Strengthened economic resources

21 Infrastructure Population Data Base Sápmi Population Data Base Sápmi The Sami Press Archive The Sami Press Archive Sami Legal Archive Sami Legal Archive

22 Aims Improved general knowledge Improved general knowledge Response to the needs of the Sami and the Swedish societies Response to the needs of the Sami and the Swedish societies Response to scientific needs Response to scientific needs Internationalization Internationalization

23 ILO:s convention nr 169 ”initiatives in educational purposes shall be taken in all areas of national interest, and especially among those in direct contact with indigenous peoples, in purpose to remove eventual prejusties against these peolples. Efforts shall therefore be carried out to secure that school text books in history and other educational material give a fair, exact and informative description of the societies and cultures of these peoples ” ”initiatives in educational purposes shall be taken in all areas of national interest, and especially among those in direct contact with indigenous peoples, in purpose to remove eventual prejusties against these peolples. Efforts shall therefore be carried out to secure that school text books in history and other educational material give a fair, exact and informative description of the societies and cultures of these peoples ”

24 Implementation Education and recruiting Education and recruiting Dialogue and cooperation Dialogue and cooperation Improved pedagogics and profiling Improved pedagogics and profiling New research projects New research projects

25 The Process of Colonization History History Law Law Sociology Sociology International perspectives International perspectives

26 Local economies Reindeer herding Reindeer herding Land utilizing Land utilizing Hunting and fishing Hunting and fishing Tourism Tourism Food production Food production

27 Health research Disease specified Disease specified Work related Work related Nutrition Nutrition Life style Life style

28 Culture and identity Ethnology and anthropology Ethnology and anthropology Music (jojk) Music (jojk) Literature Literature Handicraft Handicraft

29 Linguistic research Language preservation Language preservation Pedagogics och didactics Pedagogics och didactics Linguistic sociology Linguistic sociology Lexicography Lexicography

30 Society research Media and information Media and information Text books Text books Basic structures Basic structures Politics and democracy Politics and democracy Gender perspectives and equality Gender perspectives and equality

31 Demography Migration Migration Families Families Population development Population development Cultural geography Cultural geography

32 Environment Research Sustainable development Sustainable development International perspectives International perspectives Traditional knowledge Traditional knowledge Flora and fauna Flora and fauna

33 The population development in Sápmi The relation Sami - settlers The relation Sami - settlers From majority to minority From majority to minority High mortality High mortality Cultural differences Cultural differences Migration to Norway Migration to Norway

34 Population structure Larger proportion of Swedish settlers in the younger cohorts Larger proportion of Swedish settlers in the younger cohorts Larger proportion of Sami in the older cohorts Larger proportion of Sami in the older cohorts Age-specific mortality Age-specific mortality

35 The Sápmi Population Data Base Individually linked Individually linked Complete life biographies Complete life biographies Family composition Family composition Mortality with causes of death Mortality with causes of death Migration Migration

36 Child births Deaths at child birth twice as high among Swedish settlers Deaths at child birth twice as high among Swedish settlers Lower Sami fertility Lower Sami fertility Cultural differences Cultural differences

37 Marriages Strategies Strategies Patterns Patterns Mixed marriages Mixed marriages Re-marriages Re-marriages

38 Epidemiologic transition Change of disease pattern Change of disease pattern Diseases of civilisation Diseases of civilisation Public health Public health

39 General mortality Sami mortality twice as high until 20th century Sami mortality twice as high until 20th century High Sami mortality: Tbc, pheneumonia, nerv fevers High Sami mortality: Tbc, pheneumonia, nerv fevers High Swedish mortality: smallpox, typhus, diptheria, dysentery High Swedish mortality: smallpox, typhus, diptheria, dysentery Today: no differences except for accidents (drowning and freezing Today: no differences except for accidents (drowning and freezing vehicles) vehicles)

40 Infant and childhood mortality 2-3 times higher among the Sami 2-3 times higher among the Sami Neonatal mortality Neonatal mortality Breastfeeding Breastfeeding Access to health care Access to health care Climate Climate

41 Ethno biology Prerequisits of reindeer herding Prerequisits of reindeer herding The importance of fishing The importance of fishing Effects of settlements Effects of settlements Hunting and gathering Hunting and gathering Traditional medicine Traditional medicine Cultural response to crises Cultural response to crises

42 Smallpox The Latin American experience The Latin American experience The Swedish experience The Swedish experience Vaccination Vaccination

43 Smallpox in Sápmi Low Sami smallpox mortality Low Sami smallpox mortality High frequence of epidemics High frequence of epidemics Cultural understanding of a disease Cultural understanding of a disease Fatalism or flight Fatalism or flight

44 Barents Euro-Arctic Region 6 million inhabitants 6 million inhabitants 3 x the size of France 3 x the size of France 3.5 persons / km2 3.5 persons / km2 Murmansk and Arkhangelsk largest cities Murmansk and Arkhangelsk largest cities Largest age-group 40-49 years Largest age-group 40-49 years Greatest natural resources in all Europe Greatest natural resources in all Europe

45 Present-day problems Pollution Pollution Cultural assimilation Cultural assimilation Language preservation Language preservation Political influence Political influence Social problems (marginalization) Social problems (marginalization) Health (alcohol) Health (alcohol)

46 The Sami – an indigenous people The complex Sápmi The complex Sápmi The united Sápmi The united Sápmi The global Sápmi The global Sápmi

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