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Evolution How Gene Pool Change Occurs. What exactly is a SPECIES? Species: Group of similar organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring Example:

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution How Gene Pool Change Occurs. What exactly is a SPECIES? Species: Group of similar organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring Example:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution How Gene Pool Change Occurs

2 What exactly is a SPECIES? Species: Group of similar organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring Example: Labrador and Pitt Bull Non-example: Horse and Donkey

3 The formation of a new species from a preexisting population is called: SPECIATION.

4 Changes in the gene pool can cause the population to evolve Changes in the gene pool may be a result of many different causes Causes of Change

5 Standard 8d Students know reproductive or geographic isolation affects speciation.

6 Causes of Change 1.Mutations in the genes (DNA) of individuals causing new adaptations. Are mutations always bad? 2.Reproductive Isolation: individuals unable to breed together: behavior or physical characteristics

7 Types of Reproductive Isolation 1.Geographic Isolation- population is split by some physical barrier: river, mountain, ocean i.e. Albert & Kaibab squirrels of the Grand Canyon 2.Behavioral Isolation- two populations are capable of interbreeding but have different mating rituals or routines. i.e. eastern & western meadowlarks


9 3. Temporal Isolation- two or more species reproduce at different times. i.e. three types of rain forest orchids

10 Standard 8c Students know the effects of genetic drift on the diversity of organisms in a population.

11 Sometimes the gene pool just changes…… Genetic Drift is cause of evolution by random chance No Natural Selection Happens in small populations

12 2 types of Genetic Drift 1. Bottleneck Effect- a high percentage of a population is killed by a random act reducing variation in the gene pool. 2. Founder Effect- change in allele frequencies as a result of the migration of a small subgroup of a population


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