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If you have any questions, please Presented by: Mrs. L.

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2 If you have any questions, please email: Presented by: Mrs. L


4 Directions 1.To begin the slideshow from the beginning, select “Slideshow” and “View Show”. To begin the slideshow from a current slide (ie: start show on slide 67) click on the little icon at the lower, bottom, left side of the PowerPoint window. 2.Click on a dollar amount and the “answer” (which is really the question) will appear. 3.When the “Question” (which is really the answer) is given by a student, click anywhere on the slide and the “Question” will appear. 4.Return to the Category page by clicking on the “Home” button. 5.When a Question/Answer has been completed, the link will turn white. 6.Have students keep score by using the dollar amount of the “Question”. 7.Do not save any changes to the slideshow.

5 Round 1 Round 2 Final Jeopardy

6 Mixed? Plants Consumers/ Producers Food Chains Animals Mixed ? $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Round 2 Final Jeopardy Home

7 $100 1,1 You come into a room and see a lab set up on your table, what should you do next?

8 $100 Home Always wait for teachers instructions

9 $200 What is happening to light in the pictures? 1,2

10 $200 Light if being reflected Home

11 This tool is used for: $300 1,3

12 $300 Stopping fire ScoresHome

13 $400 If the lower switch is closed, and there is a cut in the wire (green arrow), how many lights stay on? Same situation but now yellow arrow? If the lower switch is closed, and there is a cut in the wire (green arrow), how many lights stay on? Same situation but now yellow arrow? 1,4

14 $400 Green= 0 stay on Yellow= 2 stay on (discuss why) Green= 0 stay on Yellow= 2 stay on (discuss why) ScoresHome

15 $500 What are these beaks used for? A. Wabbler B. Hawk C. Heron What are these beaks used for? A. Wabbler B. Hawk C. Heron 1,5

16 $500 Breaking Seeds Tearing Flesh Catching Fish Breaking Seeds Tearing Flesh Catching Fish ScoresHome

17 $100 Plants make their own food using sunlight energy this is called?? 2,1

18 $100 Photosynthesis ScoresHome

19 $200 Plant part that takes sunlight, Carbon Dioxide CO2, and releases Oxygen O2. 2,2

20 $200 Leaves ScoresHome

21 $300 Which parts of the plant get water from the soil to the leaves? 2,3

22 $300 Roots and Stems ScoresHome


24 $400 Plants take in______, and release_____? 2,4

25 $400 Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen ScoresHome

26 $500 In a food chain, plants are ? 2,5

27 $500 Producers ScoresHome

28 $100 A Lion is what type of consumer and why? 3,1

29 $100 Carnivores, eats other animals ScoresHome

30 $200 A bear is what type of consumer and why?: 3.2

31 $200 OMNIVORE because it eats both plants and animals ScoresHome

32 $300 Consumers that eat only plants are called? 3,3

33 $300 Herbivores ScoresHome

34 $400 What do producers (plants) do? 3.4

35 $400 Make their own food. ScoresHome

36 $500 A coyote is what type of consumer? 3,5

37 $500 Carnivore ScoresHome

38 $100 Where does all energy come from? 4,1

39 $100 sun ScoresHome

40 $200 What’s missing in the food chain: Sun  _____  Consumer  Consumer. What’s missing in the food chain: Sun  _____  Consumer  Consumer. 4.2

41 $200 Producer ScoresHome

42 $300 Several food chains put together are called:

43 $300 ScoresHome Food Webs

44 $400 What is being transferred up the food chain/web? 4.4

45 $400 Energy ScoresHome

46 $500 In the following food chain the sun acts as: Sun  grass  insect  frog  owl In the following food chain the sun acts as: Sun  grass  insect  frog  owl 4.5

47 $500 Energy Source ScoresHome

48 $100 A place where animal lives: 5.1

49 $100 Habitat ScoresHome

50 $200 The change of animals to meet their needs physically/behaviorally in order to SURVIVE is called: 5.2

51 $200 Adaptation ScoresHome

52 $300 The change of skin color of a lizard (gecko) is what kind of adaptation: 5.3

53 $300 Physical Adaptation: CAMOUFLAGE Physical Adaptation: CAMOUFLAGE ScoresHome

54 $400 Food, Water, Shelter, Air, and Space are: 5.4

55 $400 Basic Needs Home

56 $500 How does a herd of buffalo help it adapt/survive in their environment? 5.5

57 $500 Predators hunt prey alone not in larger groups Home

58 $100 Name the moon phase and how long will it take to see it again? Home

59 $100 Full Moon-takes about 1 month (27 days) for lunar cycle Home

60 $200 Riding a bike, writing, and animals learning a trick are which kind of behavior: Home

61 $200 Learned Home

62 $300 Which layer is the youngest (new) and oldest? 6.3

63 $300 Youngest F Oldest A Youngest F Oldest A Home

64 $400 A huge piece of ice that moves slowly and scrapes the land is a ? 6.4

65 $400 Glacier ScoresHome

66 $500 What is the purpose of using simple machines? 6.5

67 $500 Make work EASIER! Home

68 Matter Mixtures and Solutions Energy/ Light Soil, landforms and rocks Solar System Water Cycle $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 Round 1 Final Jeopardy Round 2 HomeRound 2 Home

69 $200 Anything that takes up space and has mass is called: R1,1

70 $200 matter Home

71 $400 The three states of matter are: R1,2

72 $400 Solid, liquid, and gas ScoresHome

73 $600 A solid changing to a liquid R1,3

74 $600 melting ScoresHome

75 $800 Liquid evaporates into: R1,4

76 $800 gas ScoresHome

77 $1000 Gas turns into liquid by ________, and liquid to solid by ________. R1,5

78 $1000 Condensation, freezing ScoresHome

79 $200 What can be easily separated? R2,1

80 $200 mixtures ScoresHome


82 $400 When salt or sugar is added to water what happens? R2,2

83 $400 It DISSOLVES ScoresHome

84 $600 Magnets, paper/coffee filters, heat, and hands can be used to: R2,3

85 $600 Separate mixtures ScoresHome

86 $800 A mixture can be a combination of: R2,4

87 $800 Solids, liquids, and gases ScoresHome

88 $1000 R2,5 Solutions are a type of mixture formed when a solid is dissolve in a:

89 $1000 ScoresHome liquid

90 $200 When an object is in motion/moving is called: R3,1

91 $200 Kinetic/Mechanical Energy ScoresHome

92 $400 What force pulls object down?? R3,2

93 $400 Gravity Scores Home

94 $600 A burning wax candle gives both: R3,3

95 $600 Light and heat energy ScoresHome

96 $800 When light goes through and bends is called: R3,4

97 $800 Refraction ScoresHome

98 $1000 What allows electrons to flow through and give example? And what doesn’t allow flow and give example? R3,5

99 $1000 Conductors Allow – ALL METALS Insulators do not allow-plastic, foam, wood, glass, rubber Conductors Allow – ALL METALS Insulators do not allow-plastic, foam, wood, glass, rubber ScoresHome

100 $200 Has large particles and retains litter water: R4,1

101 $200 Sand ScoresHome

102 $400 Canyons are made by: R4,2

103 $400 Running/Flowing Rivers ScoresHome


105 $600 What type of rock is formed when sediments are pressed and cemented together to form layers? R4,3

106 $600 Sedimentary rocks ScoresHome

107 $800 Particles tightly packed causing water to be retained the most: R4,4

108 $800 Clay ScoresHome

109 $1000 Over time, what carries sediments into new places? R4,5

110 $1000 Erosion ScoresHome

111 $200 Which are the first four inner planets: R5,1

112 $200 Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars ScoresHome

113 $400 Sun’s gravitational pull keeps the planets in… R5,2

114 $400 Orbit ScoresHome

115 $600 What is the sun made of: R5,3

116 $600 Hot gases ScoresHome

117 $800 How long does it take the earth to do a rotation on its axis? R5,4

118 $800 One day/24 hrs ScoresHome

119 $1000 How long is the lunar cycle? R5,5

120 $1000 About one month ScoresHome

121 $200 Plants take in water from the soil and lose water through leaves by: R6,1

122 $200 Transpiration ScoresHome

123 $400 Heat from the sun that causes water to turn to vapor is called: R6,2

124 $400 Evaporation ScoresHome

125 $600 When water condenses into clouds and then falls back to the ground is called: R6,3

126 $600 Precipitation ScoresHome

127 $800 When vapor turns to water droplets cooling off and turning into clouds is called: R6,4

128 $800 Condensation ScoresHome

129 $1000 The process of water falling back into the land and going back to the ocean is called: R6,5

130 $1000 Runoff ScoresHome

131 Solar System Final Jeopardy Question Home

132 If today is March 10 th and it is a new moon outside, what date would we see a full moon outside?

133 March 22-25 th because the entire lunar cycle is about 1 month and to get to full moon is half so add close to 2 weeks 12-14 days. March 22-25 th because the entire lunar cycle is about 1 month and to get to full moon is half so add close to 2 weeks 12-14 days. Home

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