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Jeff Shiley. Start Point System Environment User Experience Our “Unique” Requirements Solution System Evaluation & Prototype Single Sign-on Component.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeff Shiley. Start Point System Environment User Experience Our “Unique” Requirements Solution System Evaluation & Prototype Single Sign-on Component."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeff Shiley

2 Start Point System Environment User Experience Our “Unique” Requirements Solution System Evaluation & Prototype Single Sign-on Component Web Service Components Managed Reporting Dashboards Stand-alone Reports Alerts Current Status Questions? Integration with WebFOCUS From Mainframe To Web 2

3 30 year old mainframe- based application Web “front ends” developed over the last decade 40,000+ Total Users Multiple credential types used across enterprise Credential authentication performed by external systems I.E., Mainframe credentials for mainframe assets, DoD CAC, Army Knowledge Online, etc. Integration with WebFOCUS Mainframe ATRRS Engine CICS TSO FOCUS DB2 ATRRS Web Farm ATRRS Portals Training Application Systems 3

4 < 500 users using reports Reporting module existed in TSO on the mainframe Reports front ends consisted of several CICS programs to collect parameters, and generate result set FOCUS used to format report output Integration with WebFOCUS 4

5 To access reports, users needed mainframe credentials and had to navigate to a separate TSO system. Users were required to logon to the TSO system in addition to logging on to the native web application Integration with WebFOCUS Navigate from this To this (requires a 2 nd login) Report creation screen in TSO 5

6 Demo Integration with WebFOCUS6

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10 Must be easily accessible to users external to the network Other BI products evaluated were primarily oriented to users internal to the organization with report access from within the organization’s network Seamless, secure integration with ATRRS web applications Users should not have to: navigate to another system to access reports log in again to view reports Integration with WebFOCUS 10

11  Capability to automate user management  Users should not have to request access to the BI system  Administrators should not have to set up user accounts for the BI system  Improve User Experience Integration with WebFOCUS 11

12 Evaluation period and prototype with IBI Proved capability to handle TSO report conversion User integration Demonstrated vastly improved user experience Single Sign-on Component – Created by IBI Web Service Components – Created by ASM Perform account administration on the fly Perform communication between web applications (apps) and WebFOCUS Integration with WebFOCUS 12

13 Managed Reporting Group Views Groups & views tailored to user roles within the web apps Stand-alone Reports Reports in WebFOCUS that web apps can open & run in their own frame Web service component used to retrieve the link to the report Alerts Scheduled jobs run within Report Caster Look for data meeting specific business criteria Web service component used to: Display alert notice within web app Retrieve report Integration with WebFOCUS 13

14 Integration with WebFOCUS Web ServiceWeb App Display Dashboard in frame or new window WebFOCUS tables & stored procedures Returns URL to dashboard Call to web service to retrieve link to group view Passes in data needed to id group & create user Verifies/Creates :  User Account  Group Permissions Creates token record used by SSO Builds URL to Group View with SSO token in query string 14 SSO Component Checks for security session Verifies login through token

15 Demo Integration with WebFOCUS 15

16 Integration with WebFOCUS 16

17 Integration with WebFOCUS 17

18 Integration with WebFOCUS 18

19 Integration with WebFOCUS 19

20 Integration with WebFOCUS Web ServiceWeb App Display Report in frame or window Retrieve Report List for this App *This can be used by the app to create the input parameters in runtime Web ServiceWeb App Retrieve a list of input parameters* for a report Web ServiceWeb App Returns URL to report with necessary query string variables Retrieve/Run Report** **Also calls web service to receive a SSO token 20

21 Demo Integration with WebFOCUS 21

22 Integration with WebFOCUS 22 User selects a report and enters parameters within web application

23 Integration with WebFOCUS 23 Report opens within the web application

24 Integration with WebFOCUS Web Service Report Caster Report Caster job identifies Distribution List Sends Emails Stores Distribution List Alert Tables Web Application User Logs In Display Report in frame or window Retrieve & Display Alert List Retrieve Alert Report 24

25 Demo Integration with WebFOCUS25

26 Integration with WebFOCUS26 Alert Indicator

27 Integration with WebFOCUS27 Selecting the alert opens the report

28 THEN  Reporting Module existed in TSO  Report front ends consisted of several CICS programs to collect and generate result set  FOCUS used to format report output  To access reports, users needed mainframe credentials and had to access the TSO system  Report environment unfamiliar and frustrating to web users NOW  The 27 most-used TSO reports converted to WebFOCUS  2 ASM mainframe programmers  1 ASM web developer  1 ASM DBA  1 IBI consultant  WebFOCUS reports integrated into four web applications  Single Sign On (SSO) capability used to view reports  Vastly improved user experience Integration with WebFOCUS 28

29 THEN  <500 Report Users NOW  > 6100 Reports Users and climbing Integration with WebFOCUS29

30 Integration with WebFOCUS30 Improved User Experience: Big, complex mainframe reporting system modernized with WebFOCUS Rapid Report Delivery: Simplified development and reuse of existing skills bringing mainframe reports to the web Innovation: WebFOCUS gives us new ways to show data and interact with information

31 Integration with WebFOCUS 31 Jeff Shiley ASM Research ?

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