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AP Biology review session 1

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1 AP Biology review session 1

2 Which of the following levels of life’s hierarchy is not appropriate when referring to two of life’s domains, Archaea and Bacteria? The population level. The organism level. The organ level. The molecular level. Answer: 3

3 Darwin proposed the theory of natural selection. For the most part, natural selection acts as a filtering agent at the ___________level of life’s hierarchy. Community Population Individual Organ Answer: 2

4 Not all scientific discoveries are reached through the “scientific method.” Which of the following would best be described as discovery science? Sequencing the human genome. Describing a new bird species from the Philippines. A project to find preserved specimens of the probably extinct Rocky Mountain locust frozen in glaciers . All of the above. Answer: 4

5 The reactive properties or chemical behavior of an atom mostly depend on the number of the electrons in each electron shell of the atom. the neutrons found in the nucleus. the filled electron shells. the electrons in the outer electron shell of the atom. Answer: 4

6 Water molecules form hydrogen bonds because
Water molecules form hydrogen bonds because the water molecule is polar. the oxygen molecule is positively charged. the water molecule forms a tetrahedron. the hydrogen atoms are negatively charged. Answer: 1

7 This is the general equation for photosynthesis—the process of capturing sunlight energy and converting it to chemical energy. Which of the following are the reactants of this reaction? C6H12O6 and O2. CO2 and H2O. Answer: 2

8 Earth’s oceans are immense. Small floating plants called phytoplankton contribute to ocean productivity. As ocean productivity (the rate of photosynthesis) goes up, what would you predict would happen to global carbon dioxide levels? CO2 levels should also go up. CO2 levels should go down CO2 levels should remain constant. Answer: 2

9 The four most common elements in living organisms are
a. C, H, O, Fe b. C, H, O, Ca c. C, N O, Na d. C, H, O, N

10 A radioactive isotope has a nucleus that ______________.
a. is stable b. decays spontaneously c. has more protons than the common variant of the element d. has more electrons than the common variant of the element

11 An uncharged atom of argon has an atomic number of 18 and an atomic mass of 40. This atom has _________ protons, _______ neutrons, and __________electrons. a. 18…22…18 b. 22…18…18 c. 18…40…18 d. 40…20…22

12 Which of the following is an example of a polysaccharide?
a. glucose b. starch c. maltose d. fructose ANSWER

13 Lactose intolerance is the inability to properly _______________.
a. produce milk proteins b. produce lactose c. digest cellulose d. digest lactose ANSWER

14 What are saturated fats saturated with?
a. phosphorous b. nitrogen c. carbon d. hydrogen ANSWER

15 glucose + glucose  maltose + water
What name is given to the following reaction? glucose + glucose  maltose + water a. dehydration reaction b. hydrolysis c. denaturization d. gluconeogenesis ANSWER

16 Atoms (a) (b) (c) atomic number of each element (d) Chemical Bonds
have positively charged have negatively charged have neutral (a) (b) (c) number present equals number may differ in number in outer shell determines formation of atomic number of each element (d) Chemical Bonds electron transfer between atoms creates electron sharing between atoms creates ions (e) attraction between ions creates unequal sharing creates equal sharing creates nonpolar covalent bonds (f) (g) example is can lead to has important qualities due to polarity and water (h)

17 Describe the importance of chemical elements to living organisms
Explain the formation of compounds Describe the structure of an atom Distinguish between ionic, hydrogen, and covalent bonds List and define the life-supporting properties of water Explain the pH scale and the formation of acid and base solutions Define a chemical reaction and explain how it changes the composition of matter Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.


19 Discuss the importance of carbon to life’s molecular diversity
Describe the chemical groups that are important to life Explain how a cell can make a variety of large molecules from a small set of molecules Define monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides and explain their functions Define lipids, phospholipids, and steroids and explain their functions Describe the chemical structure of proteins and their importance to cells Describe the chemical structure of nucleic acids and how they relate to inheritance Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

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