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Headline Writing & Design [heads up] Heads Up! It only makes sense that the largest type on the spread captures & keeps your readers’ interest with well-written.

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Presentation on theme: "Headline Writing & Design [heads up] Heads Up! It only makes sense that the largest type on the spread captures & keeps your readers’ interest with well-written."— Presentation transcript:

1 Headline Writing & Design [heads up] Heads Up! It only makes sense that the largest type on the spread captures & keeps your readers’ interest with well-written & creatively design headlines ~ideas shared by John Cutsinger Tina Klecka Rick Brooks Shannon Williams Laura Schaub Jostens Creative Accounts Managers

2 Headline Writing & Design Verbal-Visual Connection –Well-written & designed headlines…. »Serve as informational content entry point »Unify visual elements creatively [heads up]

3 Headline Writing & Design Tools of the Trade –Primary »Captures readers’ attention –Secondary »Provides keen information & insights [heads up]

4 Headline Writing & Design [heads up] Headline parts Primary headline Secondary headline

5 Headline Writing & Design Tools of the Trade –Sub-headline »Inset into story at key information points –Label »Complementary at-a-glance, insightful content reference [heads up]

6 Headline Writing & Design [heads up] Headline parts Sub- headline

7 Headline Writing & Design [heads up] Headline parts Label

8 Headline Writing & Design Tools of the Trade –Precis »Secondary headline & lead combination [heads up]

9 Headline Writing & Design [heads up] Primary Precis Secondary

10 Headline Writing & Design Tools of the Trade –Specialty »Showcased quotes, information bytes [heads up]

11 Headline Writing & Design [heads up] Specialty headline

12 Headline Writing & Design Literary Devices –Alliteration [heads up]

13 Headline Writing & Design Literary Devices –Antonym, synonym, homonym [heads up]

14 Headline Writing & Design Literary Devices –Onomatopoeia [heads up]

15 Headline Writing & Design Literary Devices –Rhyme [heads up]

16 Headline Writing & Design Literary Devices –Pun [heads up]

17 Headline Writing & Design Writing Process –List 10-15 key words »Focus on content angle & significance –Brainstorm rhyming words for key words »List phrases that use those rhyming words –Transition original key words into rhyming word phrases »Capture the story with clever word play [heads up]

18 Headline Writing & Design [heads up] List 10-15 key words »Hot »Fun »Travel »Family »Sweat »Thrills »Love »Curfew »Work »Tan »Swim »Lazy 1 step

19 Headline Writing & Design [heads up] Brainstorm rhyming words for key words »Hot--not, knot, shot, trot, yacht »Fun--run, sun »Summer-bummer »Travel-gavel, ravel »Family- »Sweat-get, bet, net, jet, threat »Thrills-chills, spills, will »Love-dove, shove, above, glove »Curfew-blew, chew, renew, do, taboo »Work-quirk, jerk »Tan-span, fan, scan, clan »Swim-him, gym, whim »Lazy-crazy, daisy 2 step

20 Headline Writing & Design [heads up] List phrases that use rhyming words & transition key words »Not by a long shot: Hot by a long shot »Summer: Summer’s bummers »Good will hunting: Good thrills hunting »Net gains: Sweat gains »Fits like a glove »Fan the flames »Bite off more than you can chew »Love in first degree: Love in the 100 degrees »Know a thing or two »Know it all »Stealing the show 3 step

21 Headline Writing & Design Designing Guidelines –Primary/secondary relationship »Primary twice the size of secondary –Contrast »Size, density, face, style, alignment, placement, justification, capitalization –Type guide »Publication style considerations [heads up]

22 Headline Writing & Design Kicker Pattern –One line of secondary above primary [heads up]

23 Headline Writing & Design Wicket Pattern –Two lines of secondary above primary [heads up]

24 Headline Writing & Design Hammer Pattern –One or more lines of secondary below primary [heads up]

25 Headline Writing & Design Tripod Pattern –Two or more lines of secondary beside line(s) of primary [heads up]

26 Headline Writing & Design [heads up] Headline Sampler »Negative leading

27 Headline Writing & Design [heads up] Headline Sampler »Color strategy

28 Headline Writing & Design [heads up] Headline Sampler »“Grunge” font

29 Headline Writing & Design [heads up] Headline Sampler »Type placement

30 Headline Writing & Design [heads up] Headline Sampler »Use of icons

31 Headline Writing & Design [yearbook mission] Q & A You Never Know… »until you ask!

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