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Analysis Plan and Procedure. Why do we need to analyze? Descriptive Results Index Scores Service Net Scores Service Area Net Scores Overall Index Score.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis Plan and Procedure. Why do we need to analyze? Descriptive Results Index Scores Service Net Scores Service Area Net Scores Overall Index Score."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis Plan and Procedure

2 Why do we need to analyze? Descriptive Results Index Scores Service Net Scores Service Area Net Scores Overall Index Score Adjectival Ratings Recommendati ons To transform data into information that the audiences can identify with To generate insights that the audience can use to formulate recommendations or actions

3 Awareness AvailmentSatisfaction Core Concepts Importance

4 Citizen Satisfaction Health Services Support to Education Social Welfare Services Governance & Response Public Works & Infrastructure EnvironmentalManagement AgriculturalSupport Tourism Promotion Services Service Areas

5 What we should know first? Descriptive Results versus Index Scores

6 CSIS Analysis Descriptive ResultIndex Score Frequency/Count, Percentage It describes the sample only based on the number of responses How many said they were definitely satisfied? Net Scores, composite or combination of scores It summarizes data to provide more information There is deliberate identification of items. What is their level of satisfaction on health services?

7 Descriptive Results Item Aware Total Number of Responses Percentage YesNo Vaccination for infants/children75 15050.00% Pre-natal/post-natal/child birth services45105 15030.00% Free General Consultations/Access to secondary and/or tertiary health Care 10446 15069.33% Free Basic Medicine or Low-Cost Medicine Program 6783 15044.67% Prevention and management of Communicable and Non- Communicable Diseases 9456 15062.67% Basic dental/oral hygiene12624 15084.00%

8 Descriptive Results Frequencies of responses –Example: 67 said they were aware of vaccination services Percentages –Example: 44.67% of the 150 respondents said they were aware of vaccination services

9 Index Scores Item Aware Total Number of Responses Item Net Score Yes (A1)No (A2) Vaccination for infants/children75 1500.00 Pre-natal/post-natal/child birth services 45105150-0.40 Free General Consultations/Access to secondary and/or tertiary health Care 104461500.39 Free Basic Medicine or Low-Cost Medicine Program 6783150-0.11 Prevention and management of Communicable and Non- Communicable Diseases 94561500.25 Basic dental/oral hygiene12624 1500.68

10 How are frequencies and index scores generated? Questionnaires Frequencies Database or Statistics Software Index Generator Index Scores

11 Area Awareness Computation

12 Item Awareness Net Score = (yes – no) / total number of responses Score Range: -1 ~ 1 1 is the highest possible positive score Service Area Awareness Net Score = sum of all item net scores / total number of subareas * 100 Awareness: Index Scores Computation

13 Area Availment Computation

14 Scoring: Availment Item Availment Score = yes / total number of responses Score Range: 0~1 1 is the highest possible positive score Service Area Availment Score =sum of all item net scores / total number of subareas * 100 Availment: Index Scores Computation

15 Satisfaction Net Score Computation

16 Importance Net Score Computation

17 Weighted Scores Definitely Satisfied/ Very Important = frequency x 2 Satisfied/Somewhat Important = frequency x 1 Can’t say = frequency x 0 Dissatisfied/ Somewhat not Important = frequency x -1 Definitely Dissatisfied / Not at all Important = frequency x -2 Item net score = sum of all weighted frequencies / total number of responses (average) Service Area Net Score = (sum of all item net scores / total number of sub-areas * 2 ) * 100 Score Range: -2 ~ 2 2 is the highest possible positive score Satisfaction/Importance: Index Scores Computation

18 Index Scores Computation Computing the Overall Citizen Awareness Index Score. The score will be computed by adding the area citizen awareness score divided by the total number of areas (8). Computing the Overall Citizen Availment Index Score. The score will be computed by adding the area citizen availment score divided by the total number of areas (8). Computing the Overall Citizen Assessment/ Satisfaction Index Score. The score will be computed by adding the area citizen satisfaction score divided by the total number of areas (8). Computing the Overall Citizen Needs/ Importance Index Score. The score will be computed by adding the area citizen satisfaction score divided by the total number of areas (8).

19 Criterion Reference Rating

20 What you will need: –Importance Index Scores of all Service Areas –Satisfaction Index Scores of all Service Areas –Leverage Plotter Importance VS Satisfaction Computation

21 *Adopted from Customer Leverage Analysis

22 Importance-Satisfaction Leverage Analysis

23 Citizens’ Attitude Toward the Local Government Unit

24 Weighted Scores (LBCi-LBCIv) Definitely Agree= frequency x 2 Agree = frequency x 1 Can’t Say = frequency x 0 Disagree = frequency x -1 Definitely Disagree = frequency x -2 Item net score = sum of all weighted scores / total number of responses (average) *100/2 Score Range: -2 ~ 2 2 is the highest positive score possible Attitudes of Citizens Toward LGU: Index Scores Computation

25 L2: In the next five years, will you choose to stay in your current city or transfer to another one? –Get the frequency of those who said yes and divide it by the total number of responses L3: What is your primary consideration/issue regarding your decision? ? –%, ranked –Split the results between “leave” and “stay” participants Attitudes of Citizens Toward LGU: Index Scores Computation

26 Optional Analysis Disaggregation of descriptive results (Aw, Av, Sat and Imp) by barangay Disaggregation of service area index scores by socio-demographic category –For example: beneficiary of Pantawid Pamilya, sex, age, house ownership, source of news etc. Cross Tabulation of between Index Scores per Socio-demographic indicator

27 Citizen Satisfaction Index System

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