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SAP Position on Web Services Choreography March 13 -14, 2003 W3C WS Choreography WG Ivana Trickovic, Canyang Kevin Liu.

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Presentation on theme: "SAP Position on Web Services Choreography March 13 -14, 2003 W3C WS Choreography WG Ivana Trickovic, Canyang Kevin Liu."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAP Position on Web Services Choreography March 13 -14, 2003 W3C WS Choreography WG Ivana Trickovic, Canyang Kevin Liu

2 SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 2 Why are we here? Web Services technology plays a critical role in our product strategies We have been actively contributing to various standardization efforts, including XMLP, WSD, and WSA WS Choreography is one of the essential next steps to make WS work for large-scale business applications

3 SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 3 What do we expect? Convergence, not reinvention Leverage existing specifications in workflow, BPM area Take existing web services choreography proposals as initial inputs ONE vendor-neutral choreography standard Royalty Free Fit with overall web services architecture Represent wide industrial consensus

4 SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 4 How should we work? Dont wait for 12 months to present the first result Work on mini-steps Present gradual results timely Modularize problem domains if necessary Expectation is high Demonstrate the capability of converging industrial opinions within a short time frame

5 SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 5 Whats the scope? In Description of externally observable behavior Out Description of internal Implementation Transaction protocol Security protocol Reliability

6 SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 6 Our requirements Multi-party interactions Long lasting conversations Describe the order of messages Specify logic units of work Indication of transaction participation Engagement in multiple conversations at the same time Conversation identification Dynamic participation Establish links between services at run-time Identify conformant relationship between external and internal behavior

7 SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 7 Our commitments We are committed to make this WG a success Initial contributions Co-author and co-submitter of WSCI Dedicated for active participation in this WG Use cases and requirements Resources for editorship of deliverables Facility for F2F meetings Experiences in workflow and BPM areas

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