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The International EcoEnergy Clusters Meeting and Facilitation Workshop "Biogas for Pomerania" BALTIC BIOENERGY CLUSTER The Marshal Office of Pomorskie.

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Presentation on theme: "The International EcoEnergy Clusters Meeting and Facilitation Workshop "Biogas for Pomerania" BALTIC BIOENERGY CLUSTER The Marshal Office of Pomorskie."— Presentation transcript:

1 The International EcoEnergy Clusters Meeting and Facilitation Workshop "Biogas for Pomerania" BALTIC BIOENERGY CLUSTER The Marshal Office of Pomorskie Region The Szewalski Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sci. Gdansk University of Technology Koszalin University of Technology POMCERT Foundation of Energy Saving in Gdansk Polish Biogas Association ENERGA Group IMPLASER and The Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture

2 About the meeting The scope of the meeting focuses on biomass usage (involving biomass of agricultural origin and/or biodegradable urban wastes) for energetic purposes with the use of biogas technologies, especially these, which are based on cogeneration. Furthermore special sessions will focus on photovoltaic, wind energy, smart grids and energy storing technologies. This symposium will give a great opportunity to establish business relationships and co-operations in a process of investments preparations and implementations. Special session for communities and districts authorities aims at promoting the good practices in the field of energy strategy preparation and establishing the energy public-private partnerships.

3 PROGRAM PART 1: Everything about biogas investments: Session I „Biogas investors’ ABC” Session II „Various technologies of biogas production and usage” Session III „Investments financing” Session IV „Examples of so called good practices in bio-energy” (meeting for communities and district authorities) Session V “Biomass from wastes for energetic purposes” Session VI Rendezvous with firms “face-to-face” Session VII Partners meeting of Bioenergy Project PART 2: Bioenergy Clusters Meeting Session VIII „Clusters Characterisation – main spheres of activity” Session IX „Photovoltaic” Session X „Wind energy – microvanes and off-shore” Session XI „Technologies of eco-energetic support: smart grid and energy storing”

4 Date and location of the meeting: Date: 10 – 12 May 2010 Location: The Szewalski Institute of Fluid-flow Machinery PASci 14 Fiszera St., Gdańsk

5 „Golden” packet  Dominant logo in meeting invitations, which will be sent to participants via e-mails and by post  Providing place in foyer in front of conference room for erecting a stand + assuring contact with potential investors  Multimedia presentation/spot about firm during meeting (in the scope and time frame agreed with administrator)  Promotion in local and specialist media  Placing dominant logo in conference hall  Dominant logo exposure in conference program placed on web sites  Advertisement on PASci and conference websites in a visible place (seen in all folds)  Placing banner in conference room  Possibility of enclosing a brochure into meeting materials  Branch exclusiveness  Invitation and right to give a presentation during Gdańsk Meetings with Renewable Energy organised by PG students  Sending advertisement materials to participants and partners  Providing up to 10 places for firm representatives in conference hall PACKET NET PRICE: 35 000 PLN We encourage to present own ideas, which will be taken into consideration

6 “Silver” packet  Logo exposure in invitations which will be sent to participants via e-mails and by post  Providing place in foyer in front of conference room for erecting a stand assuring contact with potential investors  Presentation during meeting (in the scope agreed with administrator)  Placing logo in conference hall  Placing banner in conference room  Logo exposure in conference program placed on web sites  Possibility of enclosing a brochure into meeting materials PACKET NET PRICE: 15 000 PLN

7 Standard packet  Logo exposure in invitations which will be sent to participants via e-mails and by post  Providing place in foyer in front of conference room for erecting a stand  Presentation during meeting (in the scope agreed with administrator)  Logo exposure in conference program placed on web sites PACKET NET PRICE: 5 000 PLN

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