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BCC PUBLIC HEARING CH. 31.5 SIGN CODE ORDINANCE Zoning Division August 4, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "BCC PUBLIC HEARING CH. 31.5 SIGN CODE ORDINANCE Zoning Division August 4, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 BCC PUBLIC HEARING CH. 31.5 SIGN CODE ORDINANCE Zoning Division August 4, 2015

2 Overview Proposed amendments are compilation of changes needed to address requests by the business community, new technology trends and clarification of existing regulations for consistency. A list of changes were discussed with BCC in a work session in January 2015.

3 Presentation Outline  General Sign Code  Tourist Commercial Signs  PD Master Sign Plans  Special Districts & Overlays  LPA Recommendation  Additional Amendments  Requested Action

4 General Sign Code General sign type amendments under consideration: 1)Architectural Building Features 2)Wall 3)Electronic Message Center 4)Off-Site Directional 5)Window 6)Construction 7)Billboards

5 General Sign Code Architectural Building Features Generic, integrated, architectural feature shall be exempt from sign code standards:  Designed and constructed as part of building  Identification via symbols, logos, letters, moving parts, lights etc. are not exempt Signage within commercial developments  Clarification of language

6 General Sign Code Maximum Wall Sign Copy Area Copy area increase due to height of sign on building (sign must be located within top 20% of building height): Height 0-35 ft. 36-50 ft. 51-75 ft. 76-100 ft. 101-140 ft. 140+ ft. >180 ft. Current Code % No Increase 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Proposed% No Increase 15% 20% 25% 50% 100% 125%

7 General Sign Code

8 Wall Signs Maximum Allowable Copy Area:  Current code: Must use front of building to calculate wall signage. May distribute signage on all walls.  Proposed Amendment : If front of building is not used to calculate wall signage, then all signage must be placed on the side used to calculate the signage.

9 General Sign Code  Example Current code – 90 sq.ft. of sign to distribute on any wall Proposed – use larger wall with all sign on that wall, 150 sq. ft. on this wall

10 General Sign Code General BCC concerns regarding Electronic Message Centers (EMC’s):  Proximity to residential areas  Transition time  Dimming Technology  Prohibition

11 General Sign Code Current Regulations :  EMC’s are allowed on a very limited basis  Specific bulb voltage, no flashing, zoom, or twinkle  Allowed on Ground, Pole and Wall signs  Permitted as changeable copy in all zoning districts

12 General Sign Code Proposed Changes:  Restrict EMC’s based on proximity to residential uses  Prohibit on Wall signs  Pole signs – limit EMC to 25% of total copy area  Must meet Display Criteria: 1)Must hold display/message for minimum 8 seconds 2)Images shall appear instantaneously without flashing, animation, or movement of any kind 3)Required automatic dimming technology 4)Cannot exceed a brightness level of 0.3 foot candles above ambient light 5)Non-conforming signs must comply with brightness by date certain

13 General Sign Code CountyIllumination Standard for Dynamic Signs 1.City of Orlando.3 Foot Candle of Ambient Light 2.City of Cocoa.3 Foot Candle of Ambient Light 3.City of St. Petersburg.2 Foot Candle of Ambient Light 4.Brevard County.3 Foot Candle of Ambient Light 5.Sarasota County.3 Foot Candle of Ambient Light Brightness Level Comparison vs. Other Jurisdictions Note: All jurisdictions have various forms of measurement but most have similar brightness level thresholds. EMC’s

14 General Sign Code EMC’s Wall Signs  EMC’s shall not be allowed as wall signs Non-Residential Signs in Residential Districts  EMC’s limited to 25% of a ground sign copy area  Turn off/sleep mode between 11pm-6am

15 General Sign Code Excessive Window Signage Window Signs

16 General Sign Code Window Signs Current Regulation (General Code):  Maximum copy area = 25% of window area, affixed to window. Proposed Changes (General Code):  Location – affixed to or with in 3 ft. of window  Prohibit changeable copy signs  Maximum letter size

17 General Sign Code Special Event Signs Current Regulations:  1 every six months Proposed Change:  No more than 2 permits on same parcel within any calendar year.

18 General Sign Code Construction Signs Current Regulations:  Do not address mesh fence banners. Proposed Change:  Allow a mesh fence banner sign affixed to the fence surrounding a construction site.  Copy area limited to 64 sq.ft. in residential area and 128 sq.ft. in all other areas.

19 General Sign Code Off-Site Directional Signs Current:  Limited to Weekends Friday - Sunday  Limited to 3 mile posting  Limited to 3 weekends a year Proposed:  Expand weekend timeframe by 1 day  Provide flexibility on sign posting distance  Increase the number of weekends from 3 to 6

20 General Sign Code Billboards Codifying existing practice:  Requires registration  Annual Fee

21 Tourist Commercial Signs 1)Wall 2)EMC 3)Ground 4)Window 5)Wall Banners Amendments Under Consideration:

22 Tourist Commercial Signs Maximum Wall Sign Copy Area Copy area increase due to height of sign on building (sign must be located within top 20% of building height): Height 0-35 ft. 36-50 ft. 51-75 ft. 76-100 ft. 101-140 ft. 140+ ft. >180 ft. Current Code % No Increase 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Proposed% No Increase 15% 20% 25% 50% 100% 125%

23 Tourist Commercial Signs EMC’s Current Code: Permitted on Pole and Wall signs Proposed Changes:  Pole signs – Limit EMC to 25% of total copy area  Prohibit on Wall signs  Permit on Ground signs where: 1) > 15 acres 2) Min.1,000 foot road frontage 3) Separation distance of 300 feet between signs 4) Must meet display criteria as proposed for general code

24 Tourist Commercial Signs Ground Signs  Maximum Allowable Copy Area increases from 60 sq. ft. to 80 sq. ft.  Maximum height increases from 8 ft. to 10 ft.  Must meet Tourist Commercial EMC standards as proposed.  Changeable copy signs must be a minimum of 300 ft. apart

25 Tourist Commercial Signs Banner Signs  Introduces “Wall Banner Signs”  Intended only for large Hotels physically connected to the Convention Center with at least 750 rooms.  Limited to top 50% of hotel  Allow only for “contract events” with Convention Center  Allow 3 signs, maximum 4 times a year  Maximum size of 4,000 sq.ft.  Allow for a duration period of 14 days

26 Tourist Commercial Signs Banner Signs

27 PD’s, Special District and Overlays  Incorporating a Master Sign Plan provision for P-D’s  Approved master sign plans may be allowed to make non-substantial changes if approved by DRC. Examples may include: Minor relocating of ground signs Re-distribution of copy area Minor height adjustments  Transferring sign provisions from Ch. 38 for Special Districts and Overlays to Ch. 31.5.

28 PD’s, Special Districts and Overlays  SR 50 Corridor Overlay  South Orange Avenue Overlay  Conway Road Overlay  Lake Avalon Rural Settlement  Buena Vista North  Four Corners CVC  Holden Heights  Horizon West Town Center  Horizon West  Neighborhood Center  Village Center

29 PZC/LPA Recommendation PZC/LPA made a finding of consistency with Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval by a vote of 5-1, with the following recommendation:  Non-residential EMC signs in residential areas shall have limited hours of operation from 6am-11pm.

30 Additional Amendments Page 42 Line 1802-1808  Sec. 31.5-190 Master Sign Plan  (b) An MSP, or changes to an MSP, may be approved by the DRC, provided the overall signage is deemed materially consistent with the thresholds described in subsection (a).  (c) An MSP, or changes to an MSP, that are determined to materially exceed the thresholds described in subsection (a) shall require approval by the Board of County Commissioners.

31 Additional Amendments Page 52 Line 2237-2246  Sec. 31.5-194 Horizon West Town Center Delete Section and Replace with:  All signage in Horizon West Town Center shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 31.5, Orange County Code, except that any big box development in the Town Center shall comply with the sign provisions in Ch. 38 regulating big box developments. Page 16 line 646-659  Sec. 31.5-126 Billboards Delete subsection (s) and (t)

32 Requested Action Make a determination that this ordinance will not have a substantial economic impact on development, make a finding that it is consistent with the comprehensive plan, and approve the ordinance (with permission to correct any scrivener’s errors)

33 BCC PUBLIC HEARING CH. 31.5 SIGN CODE ORDINANCE Zoning Division August 4, 2015

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