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2 LORD GOD ALMIGHTY How do you start talking about the ALMIGHTY GOD?
How do you describe the ALPHA and OMEGA, the Beginning and the End? How can you talk about the Rock of Ages and the Ancient of Days? How do you describe the One who fills the entire universe? How can we speak of HIM who holds everything in HIS hands and lives outside time and space? How do you describe the only Creator that was not created? How do you describe the One who is immortal, invisible and the only wise GOD? How can we describe this GOD Who is always doing wonders? How can you describe our GOD? El-Elyon The Most High GOD JEHOVA-Nissi Our Banner El-Shaddai The All sufficient GOD JEHOVA –Jireh Our Provider JEHOVA-Shalom Our Peace JEHOVA-Tsidkenu Our Righteousness JEHOVA- Rapha Our Healer

3  HE is merciful and mighty
LORD GOD ALMIGHTY  HE is merciful and mighty It is extremely hard to find people who are truly mighty and merciful at the same time. Only GOD can have all the power that HE has and still be merciful! Most people are “merciful” until they get a bit of money, power and influence GOD is merciful Ps 103 v 10-18 V10-11: HE never treated us according to our sins due to HIS mercy V12: HE is always removing our sins V13-18: Like a father HE always pities us because HE knows our frame – that we are dust HE loves and cares for HIS creation and HE is daily concerned for us Unlike what we believe, HE is not a hard-taskmaster WHO is always finding fault HE desire our love and worship

4 LORD GOD ALMIGHTY Key narrative: Genesis 17 v1-10 v1: GOD appeared to the imperfect Abram, HE wants to visit each one of us today if we are ready. The LORD GOD introduced HIMSELF to Abraham. Have you pleased the LORD enough that HE came to visit you? Whenever our GOD introduces HIMSELF, it shows that HE is about to do something In Genesis 17 GOD introduced HIMSELF and came to change Abram and Sarai’s names. The next time in Genesis 18, HE came to do wonders! We need to pray that the LORD will visit us , to change our names, our past and our story v1: GOD appeared to Abram at the age of 99 – when most will consider that it is too late. Your age is not an issue when GOD is involved V1: GOD talked personally to Abram i.e. “HE saith unto him”. Today GOD is not addressing a crowd but want to talk to each one of us personally.

5 LORD GOD ALMIGHTY V1: GOD told Abram “I AM the ALMIGHTY GOD”, walk before me and be thou perfect  Just as a parent tells a child to walk before them, GOD told Abram to walk before HIM Walk before me implies that GOD is watching your back Walk before me also means that GOD is closing examining you and your walk Walk before me also implies that GOD is right behind you, hence no need to be afraid Walk before me also shows that GOD is looking ahead and defending you from all harm Walk before me shows that GOD wants to direct our paths, just as a caring parent does Walk before me means that from today HE wants to see you through that journey no matter how dark and dangerous. No wonder David said in Ps 23v4 “ Yea, though I walk through the shadows of death, I shall fear no evil”.  To experience the power of the GOD ALMIGHTY, we must walk before HIM and be HOLY Without peace and holiness, the ALMIGHTY GOD will not visit (Heb 12 v14) The ALIMIGHTY GOD is not a magician but a miracle worker

HE is called the “ALMIGHTY GOD” because: HIS Kingdom rules over all things (Ps 103 v19) HE is the only Creator and HE calls into being those things that are not (Rom 4 v17) HE has so much power that fills the universe and beyond (Ps 19 v1) HE owns the whole world and all that are in it (Ps 24v1, Ps 50 v10 – the cattle on a thousand hills) Few Examples…. HE can speak the universe and all creation into being (Gen 1v1-31) HE can part the Red sea and every other sea (Deliverance of Israel in Ex 14v21-22) HE can destroy every enemy and make the wheels of their chariots come off(Ex 14 v25) HE can raise the dead (The story of Lazarus in John 11v1-44) HE can create a child for a virgin(Virgin Mary in Luke 1v34-35) HE can make the dry bones to live (Ez 37v1-10) HE can make your fruit effort to bear fruit (Story of Peter in Luke 5 v1-8) HE can heal all manner of diseases(Woman with issue of blood Matt 9 v20-22, Man at the pool of Bethesda John 5v1-8 etc) HE can bring you wealth from unlikely sources (Fish brought money in Matt 17v27) HE can feed you from any source (Feeding of the 5000 in John 6 v1-14, Elijah and the raven 1 King 17v6)

7 Lift up your heads oh ye gates
Psalm 24 King James Version (KJV) The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. 2 For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. 3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? 4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. 5 He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. 6 This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah. 7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. 9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 10 Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.

8 May the LORD bless you as you keep HIS word Amen

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