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Issue 134 Metamodel for OWL 2 Peter Haase, Elisa Kendall, Boris Motik, Evan Wallace.

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Presentation on theme: "Issue 134 Metamodel for OWL 2 Peter Haase, Elisa Kendall, Boris Motik, Evan Wallace."— Presentation transcript:

1 Issue 134 Metamodel for OWL 2 Peter Haase, Elisa Kendall, Boris Motik, Evan Wallace

2 Current Structural Specification Comes with set of UML diagrams Intended to be compatible with MOF

3 MOF Metamodel for More Preciseness Precise definition of structural specification Example: Declaration rules Formal definition of structural consistency possible Lack of such a specification lead to a lot of confusion in OWL 1

4 Advantages of a MOF Metamodel for OWL 2 More preciseness in the structural specification (via OCL constraints) Machine-processable serialization of the specification Reuse of existing MOF tooling –E.g. automated generation of APIs, editors, etc. Possibility of specifying UML Profiles (visual syntax for ontologies)

5 UML Diagram of MOF Metamodel Integrity constraint: self.versionURI != 0 implies self.ontologyURI != 0

6 Metamodel Tooling

7 Concrete Proposal Make the use of MOF for the structural specification explicit by: 1)stating that the UML diagrams in the Structural Syntax document are consistent with a MOF compliant specification of the structural syntax 2)potentially adding a machine-readable serialization and high-level documentation of a MOF metamodel for OWL 2 as an additional document

8 Possible Future Work within ODM WG of the OMG Normative definition of OWL 2 metamodel, including –Extended descriptions of the metamodel –Provision of UML profiles –Alignment with other (existing) metamodels Alignment will be easier if structural specification of OWL 2 already provided as metamodel The OMG ODM WG therefore supports the definition of a first metamodel within the W3C OWL WG

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