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Land Use Sustainable Development Environmental Justice.

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Presentation on theme: "Land Use Sustainable Development Environmental Justice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Land Use Sustainable Development Environmental Justice

2 Community Theory Toennies Durkenheim Weber Marx

3 Atlanta 1970 1.39 million people 1,727 square miles Encompasses five counties Southern Rural Development Center, 2000

4 Atlanta 1997 3.69 million people 6,126 square miles Encompasses 20 counties Southern Rural Development Center, 2000

5 Population Density 805 people per square mile in 1970 592 people per square mile in 1997 Population increased by 254 percent Population density declined by 26.5 percent Southern Rural Development Center, 2000

6 What are the impacts on the rural community?

7 How is the (sub)urban community affected?

8 What are the changes in the rural land use?

9 How is the land used in the urban area?

10 The Great Change Division of labor Diversity of interests Increasing vertical ties Impersonal bureaucracies Warren, 1978

11 The Great Change Transfer of function Trend toward urbanization an suburbanization Changing values Warren, 1978

12 Whose community does it affect?

13 How does it affect the environment?

14 Consequences Farm land loss Constraints on farming Environmental impact Infrastructure and tax impacts Property rights, individual choice, and controlling growth Southern Rural Development Center, 2000

15 Concepts Associated with Sustainability Sustainable Communities Environmental Justice Maughan, 1995

16 Sustainable Community “Meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own.” Maughan, 1995

17 Environmental Integrity Living within ecological limits Protecting natural resources Responsible consumption patterns: re-use, recycling Measurable carrying capacity: water quality, air quality, etc. Maughan, 1995

18 Economic Security Local and region economic viability Opportunities for employment Economic security Reduce the gap between the rich and the poor Decisions made with several generations in mind Maughan, 1995

19 Quality of Life Health Education Transportation Housing Maughan, 1995

20 Democratic Participation Power from within the community Democracy Accountability All stakeholders involved Maughan, 1995

21 Who owns the environment?

22 Environmental Justice Demands that public policy be based on mutual respect and justice for all peoples, free from any discrimination or bias. Maughan, 1995

23 Environmental Justice Mandates the right to ethical, balanced, and responsible uses of land and renewable resources in the interest of a sustainable planet for human beings and other living things. Maughan, 1995

24 Environmental Justice Demands the right to participate as equal partners at every level of decision-making including needs assessment, planning, implementation, enforcement, and evaluation. Maughan, 1995

25 How can sustainable development be achieved?

26 Methods to Achieve Sustainable Development Zoning Selling limits Open space zoning Purchase of development rights Community visioning process Southern Rural Development Center, 2000

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