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DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITIES IN URBAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Presentation By Chief Town & Country Planner March 08, 2010

2 CONTENTS Objects of the Development Authorities
Functions of the Development Authorities Tools for Development Control Powers of the Development Authorities Role in the Implementation of Govt. Policies Other Roles & Obligations of the Authorities

3 1. Objects of the Development Authorities
Promote and secure the development of the development area according to plan Acquire, hold, manage & dispose of land & other property Carry out building, engineering, mining and other operations Execute works in connection with the supply of water and electricity, to dispose of sewage Provide and maintain other services and amenities Do anything necessary or expedient for purpose of such development and for purposes incidental thereto

4 2. Functions of the Development Authorities
2.1 Planning Functions 2.2 Acquisition and Disposal of Land 2.3 Development and Construction 2.4 Management & Disposal of Properties 2.5 Maintenance of Amenities & Services 2.6 Development Control

5 2.1 Planning Functions To prepare Master Plan for the Development Area (u/s-8) To prepare Zonal Development Plans within the framework of the Master Plan (u/s-9) To prepare Housing Schemes/Layout Plans/ Project Plans To prepare innovative plans for low cost housing To prepare standard designs for various housing types To prepare traffic & transportion improvement plans To prepare landscape & beautification plans

6 2.2 Acquisition and Disposal of Land
The State Govt. may acquire land under the provisions of Land Acquisition Act, 1894 and transfer it to the Authority on payment of the compensation awarded and the charges incurred on acquisition Subject to any directions of the State Govt. the Authority may dispose off:- any land acquired by the State Govt. and transferred to it, without undertaking or carrying out any development thereon; or any such land after undertaking or carrying out such development as it thinks fit

7 2.3 Development and Construction
Infrastructure Development-Roads, Water supply, Drainage, Sewerage, Electricity, SWM, Flyovers, Bridges, Parking, Bus Terminals, Transport Nagar, etc. Housing for EWS, LIG, MIG and HIG Commercial, Institutional and Community Facility buildings Redevelopment/Slum Improvement Schemes Development of Parks, Playgrounds, Stadium, etc. Development of other miscellaneous schemes

8 2.4 Management and Disposal of Properties
Demand Registration for launching housing schemes Allotment of developed plots and houses Registration of properties in favour of allottees Management of undisposed properties-plots & buildings Management of land bank of the Authority

9 2.5 Maintenance of Amenities & Services
Amenity includes road, water supply, drainage, sewerage, street-lighting, public works & other services Authority is responsible for maintenance of amenities & services in an area developed by it till handing over to Local Body for maintenance Authority is entitled to recover the maintenances charges from the owner of the land or building as may be fixed by the State Govt.

10 2.6 Development Control Approval of layout and building plans (Section-14) Use of land & buildings in contravention of plans may be continued only upon such terms & conditions as may prescribed by Bye-laws (16) Removal of encroachments from public lands (26A) Demolition of construction in contravention of plans (27) Power to stop development in contravention of plans (28) Sealing of unauthorized development (28A) Composition of Offences (32)

11 3. Tools for Development Control
3.1 Zoning Regulations 3.2 Sub-division Regulations 3.3 Building Bye-Laws 3.4 Architectural Control

12 3.1 Zoning Regulations Land Use Zoning-based on compatibility & interdependence of land uses and performance standards Density Zoning-Low, Medium and High density prescribed as persons per hectare or dwelling units per hectare Building Bulk-Ground Coverage & FAR-different norms for different occupancies Building Height-Governed by light & ventilation plane, heritage sites, airport funnel zone, structural stability

13 3.2 Sub-division Regulations
Minimum size of plot for various occupancies Minimum plot frontage and its ratio to depth Street Regulations-width & length of streets Housing Types-Row, Semi-detached, Detached, Group Housing Norms for Community Open Spaces Norms for Community Facilities Norms for Landscaping

14 3.3 Building Bye-Laws Procedure for development and building permit
Open Spaces/Set-backs around buildings Norms for Ground Coverage and FAR Light & Ventilation Requirements Fire & Structural Safety Requirements Requirements of Parts of Buildings Parking Requirements Rain water harvesting Completion Certificate

15 3.4 Architectural Control
Maintenance of façade of certain buildings abutting arterial roads (u/s-12) Compulsory height of building Compulsory height of floor Compulsory type design of balconies Compulsory design of front façade Compulsory height and design of cornice sills, top of windows sunshades, projections

16 4. Powers of the Development Authorities
Power of Entry upon any land or building (u/s-25) Power to impose Penalties for use of land or building in contravention of the Plan, Rs. 50,000 & Rs per day for continuing offence (u/s-26) Power to remove encroachments from public land- cognizable offence (u/s-26A) Power to demolish unauthorized construction (u/s-27) Power to stop unauthorized development (u/s-28)

17 Powers of the Development Authorities………contd.
Power to seal unauthorized construction (u/s-28A) Power to provide amenity or carry out development at the cost of owner in the event of his default and to levy cess (u/s-33) Power to require local authority to assume responsibilities for maintenance (u/s-34) Power to Levy Betterment Charges (Section-35)

18 Powers of the Development Authorities ……contd.
Power to levy City Development Charge and Land Use Conversion Charge (u/s-38A) Power to levy toll for Amenities (u/s-39A) Power to grant license for assembly & development of land (u/s-39B) Power to levy license fee (u/s-39C) Power to make Regulations (u/s-56) Power to make Bye-laws (u/s-57)

19 5. Role in the Implementation of Govt. Policies
Provide Affordable Housing with special emphasis on SC, ST, BC, minorities and the urban poor Implement Central & State Sector housing and Infrastructure development schemes Implement PPP projects under IURP like-Ring Roads, Transport Nagar, Multi-level Car Parking, Auditorium, Multi & Super-specialty hospitals Implementation and monitoring of RWH System Regularization of Unauthorized Colonies

20 Role in the Implementation of Policies………contd. .
Implementation of Hi-tech/Integrated Township Policies Execution of MoU/Amended MoU/Revised MoU Assist the developer in the selection of project site Forward land acquisition proposals to District Collector Assist in the acquisition of land as per policy Forward proposal regarding exemption under Section (2) of UPZALR Act to DM Forward proposal regarding resumption of Gram Samaj land to DM

21 Implementation of Hi-tech/Integrated Township Policies ………contd.
Issue certificate for exemption from stamp duty Initiate action for change of land use where necessary Approval of Conceptual DPR within 30 days Development of Master Plan/Approach Roads Control of unauthorized construction in the license area Prescribe norms & cost ceiling for EWS & LIG housing Execute Development Agreement at the time of approval of detailed layout plan

22 Implementation of Hi-tech/Integrated Township Policies ………contd.
Provide off-site connectivity ( Road, Water Supply, Sewerage, Drainage, etc.) to the developer, if desired Ensure allotment of EWS & LIG houses to the genuine beneficiaries through the Govt. Committee Ensure possession & transfer of community facilities to the respective departments Ensure provision/connectivity of basic amenities through the developer to village abadis

23 6. Other Roles & Obligations of the Authorities
Implementation of Citizen Charter-standards of performance, quality of services and access to information Redressal of Public Grievances-Mitra Divas Develop capacity building at the local level through training and skill up gradation Dissemination of Policies and GOs to the public Protection of environment-plantation, conservation of green cover, ponds, promote use of non-conventional energy Development of MIS at the Authority level To carry out such other directions as issued by the Govt.

24 Thank You


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