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Developing a ‘Rapid’ Strategic Land-Use and Transport Policy Model using EMME/2 Marwan AL-Azzawi Senior Transport Planner PDC Consultants, UK Also at Napier.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a ‘Rapid’ Strategic Land-Use and Transport Policy Model using EMME/2 Marwan AL-Azzawi Senior Transport Planner PDC Consultants, UK Also at Napier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a ‘Rapid’ Strategic Land-Use and Transport Policy Model using EMME/2 Marwan AL-Azzawi Senior Transport Planner PDC Consultants, UK Also at Napier University, UK

2 Introduction n n Considerable interest in identifying transport and land- use strategies which will encourage less travel, especially by private car. n n Consequently, transport planners need methods which can produce long-term forecasts of the changes in travel demand and supply, in order to assist in the development of such strategies, and a transport model must provide a consistent response to various transport measures, including: n n Land-use policies which reduce the need to travel; n n Measures to discourage car travel, and encourage walking, cycling and public transport; and n n Facilities to improve the image and performance of public transport systems.

3 About This Paper n n Describe a research project which aims to devise a procedure to assist in using EMME/2 to develop a ‘rapid’ strategic land-use and transport model which: n n Has a limited number of zones, thereby reducing data collection; n n Has aggregated transport network, helping to reduce data collection; n n Contains comprehensive details of land-uses in study area, helping to accurately reflect effects of land-use changes on transport; n n Emphases ‘supply-side’ constraints, and achieves equilibrium between supply and demand; n n Represent supply side effectively, given large zoning system; n n Maintains links to other models; and n n Has short run time, to model scenarios quickly.

4 The Strategic Transport Model used with EMME/2 n n The SALUTE Framework represents a philosophy rather than a fixed set of assumptions. n n Consequently, this philosophy should be carried more or less intact from one study to the next but allow for the level of detail to vary according to the situation. n n There is a sacrifice in level of spatial detail which can be accommodated in the model. (eg. As little as 11 zones). n n Figure shows how compromises need to be made. n n SALUTE Framework fits in at Level 2 of the Figure – i.e. a great deal of traveller types disaggregated to permit comprehensive demand modelling, and an aggregate supply representation.

5 Example of Supply and Demand Data for a SALUTE Model


7 The SALUTE Framework

8 The SALUTE Transport Model

9 The Demo - Study Area

10 The Demo - New Zone System

11 The Demo - Trip Movements

12 The Demo - Development of Zone System

13 The Demo - The Highway Network

14 The Demo - The Rail Network

15 The Demo - Combined Network

16 The Demo - Choice Mechanism

17 Comparison of Results n Old Model – –454 million passenger- kilometres per annum – –90% by vehicles, 10% by Public Transport – –49.1 million trips generation per annum n SALUTE Model –455 million passenger- kilometres per annum –91% by vehicles, 9% by Public Transport –48.7 million trips generation per annum

18 Comparison of Results

19 Conclusions n n A new modelling framework has the following features: – –A limited number of zones, thereby reducing data collection; – –An aggregated transport network, also reducing data collection; – –Comprehensive details of land-uses in the study area; – –Gives emphasis to ‘supply-side’ constraints; – –Maintains need to represent supply side effectively, given large zoning system; – –Maintains links to other models; and –Has a short run time, to enable many scenarios to be modelled and appraised quickly. n n Initial results are positive, and the research programme will develop other models using the new SALUTE Framework to continue testing the model.

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