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UPDATE February 8, 2005. DRAFT PRESENTATION OBJECTIVES 1.Quick Overview a.Definition of Study Area b.Joint Land Use Study (JLUS - Dept. of Commerce-May.

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Presentation on theme: "UPDATE February 8, 2005. DRAFT PRESENTATION OBJECTIVES 1.Quick Overview a.Definition of Study Area b.Joint Land Use Study (JLUS - Dept. of Commerce-May."— Presentation transcript:

1 UPDATE February 8, 2005

2 DRAFT PRESENTATION OBJECTIVES 1.Quick Overview a.Definition of Study Area b.Joint Land Use Study (JLUS - Dept. of Commerce-May 2003) c.Three Issues of Concern 2.Fort Bragg Small Area Study Review (FBSAS) a. Goals b. Land Use Classifications & Characteristics c. Action Plan 3. “County Conservation Incentive Program”

3 DRAFT Fayetteville Annexation Spring Lake Ft. Bragg Study Area: 1 Mile Buffer

4 DRAFT JLUS RECOMMENDATIONS General Recommendation A:Real Estate Disclosure Statements General Recommendation B:Urban Development (2,3,4 & 5) General Recommendation D: Military Actions General Recommendation E:Aircraft Low-Level Routes and Low Altitude Tactical Navigation Area General Recommendation F:Transportation Policies General Recommendation G:Urban Light Pollution General Recommendation H:Building Code Revisions General Recommendation I:Broadcasting, Telecom, and other Towers General Recommendation J:Recreation Multi-Use Trail Footnote : General Recommendation B Item # 1 & General Recommendation C of the Joint Land Use Study is not recommended.

5 Fort Bragg Critical (4384 Acres) Important (1141 Acres) LDD (427 Acres) Protected (704 Acres) I-Mile Buffer: Under Study Joint Land Use Study (May 2003): Recommendations DRAFT Parcels Removed New Land Use Designation FBSAS Changes to JLUS (May 2003)

6 DRAFT Designated one dwelling unit per 10 Acres in both Critical & Important Areas Prohibition of new sewer and water lines in both Critical & Important Areas Low Density Development with one dwelling unit Per three Acres ISSUES OF CONCERN


8 Planning Board Meeting (May 2004) DRAFT Planning Board meeting over 200 attended Over 900 notices went out to property owners

9 Subdivision Activity Subdivision Activity & Zoning Case DRAFT DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES

10 Woodbridge Subdivision Has over 100 lots subdivided Expending North and West Phase Development Subdivision 268 parcels Submitted and approved 1997 Small Subdivision (2 Lots) Subdivisions Activity DRAFT

11 RR to R10 R10 R15 Zoning Case: Approved DRAFT

12 One Mile Buffer Red Cockaded Woodpecker Outer Loop Fort Bragg Proposed Land Use NATURAL & PHYSICAL FACTORS NAPZ Contours

13 DRAFT 1.Protect the mission & operational needs of the Military. 2.Provide a simple user friendly Plan. 3.Provide property owners with a number of options to use their land or receive fair compensation. 4. Protect future property owners from known factors that may impact their quality of life (i.e. potential for noise, potential for aircraft crashes, & low flying aircraft by added building code & development standards, noise disclosure statement, and location outside of potential crash zones). 5.Protect endangered species, flora & fauna, and the long leaf pine eco-system. 6.Keep as much property as possible on the County Tax Records. GOALS

14 DRAFT Four Land Use Classifications

15 1. Military Mission and Operational Critical Areas 2. Military Noise Sensitive Areas 3. Important Areas 4.Urban Areas DRAFT LAND USE CLASSIFICATIONS

16 DRAFT Urban Critical Operation & Mission Noise Sensitive Important Proposed Land Use LAND USE CLASSIFICATIONS MAP

17 DRAFT LAND USE CLASSIFICATIONS Mission & Operational Critical (Accident Potential Zones) Recommended Guidelines Acquisition- by public or non profit organization Fee Simple Conservation Easement Long-term lease by public or non profit organization Leave natural and take advantage of proposed “County Conservation Incentive Program” Develop property with select non-residential uses Disclosure statement required on all deeds and plats Develop in accordance with height restrictions Land Use-Agricultural (no large scale swine or poultry operations) passive parks and recreation, prefer select non- residential uses (no people intensive, hazardous materials or explosives).

18 DRAFT North Vass Rd Lillington Hwy Mission & Operational Critical Urban Critical Operation & Mission Noise Sensitive Important Proposed Land Use

19 Military Noise Sensitive Areas (Located in 65 decibels or higher noise contour around airports and within the artillery blast area (62 decibels or higher) Recommended Guidelines Develop residentially at two units per acre and adhere to stricter building code and the reasonable protection of natural vegetative cover. Disclosure statement required on all deeds and plats Develop in accordance with height restrictions Land Use- Agricultural (no large scale swine or poultry operations), active or passive parks and recreation facilities, prefer select non- residential uses. DRAFT LAND USE CLASSIFICATIONS

20 DRAFT North Vass Rd Lillington Hwy Military Noise Sensitive Areas Urban Critical Operation & Mission Noise Sensitive Important Proposed Land Use

21 DRAFT North Military Noise Critical Areas Urban Critical Operation & Mission Noise Sensitive Important Proposed Land Use

22 DRAFT North Military Noise Sensitive Areas Urban Critical Operation & Mission Noise Sensitive Important Proposed Land Use

23 Important Areas (Large undeveloped areas important for the protection of the flora and fauna, endangered species, including the Red Cockaded Woodpecker, the long leaf pine eco-system and other environmental concerns that relate to the Military’s operational needs) Recommended Guidelines Acquisition- by public or non profit organization Fee Simple Conservation Easement Long-term lease by public or non profit organization Leave natural and use proposed “County Conservation Incentive Program” Develop traditionally Create alternative development to include open space subdivisions Develop in accordance with height restrictions Land Use- Agricultural (no large scale swine or poultry operations) open space, natural areas, passive parks, recreation, open space subdivisions, & select non- residential uses. DRAFT LAND USE CLASSIFICATIONS

24 DRAFT North Vass Rd Lillington Hwy Important Areas Urban Critical Operation & Mission Noise Sensitive Important Proposed Land Use

25 DRAFT North Important Areas Urban Critical Operation & Mission Noise Sensitive Important Proposed Land Use

26 DRAFT North Important Areas Urban Critical Operation & Mission Noise Sensitive Important Proposed Land Use

27 DRAFT North Important Areas Urban Critical Operation & Mission Noise Sensitive Important Proposed Land Use

28 Urban Land (Areas located within the one-mile buffer area that is already developed or undeveloped areas experiencing little impact from Military operations). Recommended Guidelines Develop with current zoning or land use plan Disclosure statement required on all deeds and plats Encourage preservation of natural vegetation Provide incentives for open space subdivisions Land Use- Current agricultural uses (no large scale swine or poultry operations) active or passive parks and recreation, and urban development in accordance with current zoning or the land use plans. DRAFT LAND USE CLASSIFICATIONS

29 DRAFT Urban Land Urban Critical Operation & Mission Noise Sensitive Important Proposed Land Use

30 DRAFT Action Plan

31 DRAFT ACTION PLAN Urban Critical Operation & Mission Noise Sensitive Important Proposed Land Use 1. Create Military Compatible District

32 DRAFT ACTION PLAN 4. Wildlife Crossing 2. Acquisition 3. Acquisition Outer Loop 5.Open Space & 100 year flood area Natural Area’s Connectivity

33 DRAFT ACTION PLAN 6. Promote the use of open space subdivisions 7. Include the Military in the plan approval process for development within the Military Compatible District (except urban areas) 20 Residential Parcels 20 Residential Parcels

34 Potential County Conservation Incentive Properties

35 RECOMMENDATIONS Adopt Fort Bragg Small Area Study in concept Begin the County Conservation Incentive Program Planning Staff develop workable solutions to implement the Plan

36 This presentation was prepared by the Comprehensive Planning Section of the Cumberland County Planning and Inspections Department February 2005

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