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WS Choreography v.0-1 Overview This is work-in-progress David Burdett, Commerce One 18 June 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "WS Choreography v.0-1 Overview This is work-in-progress David Burdett, Commerce One 18 June 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 WS Choreography v.0-1 Overview This is work-in-progress David Burdett, Commerce One 18 June 2003

2 Commerce One Copyright © 20032 Topics Feature Overview XML Structures Whats missing Issues

3 Feature Overview

4 Commerce One Copyright © 20034 Features Reusability A choreography definition is reusable in different contexts with different software and different message formats State Driven Processes or organizations that take part in choreographies maintain their state in the choreography Cooperative Organizations Describes how independent organizations or processes cooperate Verifiable Choreography definition can be used to verify that a Choreography is being followed correctly (How not yet defined) Multi-Party The specification allows Choreography Definitions with any number of organizations or processes involved Modular An "import" facility allows separately define components to be imported

5 Commerce One Copyright © 20035 Reusability Roles Describes the type of a process/organization behavior e.g. a Buyer or a Seller States Identifies the point within a choreography a Role has reached e.g. a Buyer State could be OrderSent after sending an Order Interactions Communicating information from one Role to another for a reason. e.g sending an Order to request a purchase of goods Message Families The set of messages that serve the same or similar purpose. e.g a RosettaNet Order, a UBL Order, an EDI Order, are all the same Processes Occurs as a result of some event such as a change of State

6 Commerce One Copyright © 20036 Why Reusability is important Big Co ($$$$$) Medium Co ($$$) Small Co ($) 1. Work my way or you dont get my business! 2. OK 3. Work Big Cos way or we cant do business! 4. STOP!!!! I cant afford to implement all these ways. Ill just continue with fax! 3a. Work Bigger Cos way or we cant do business! Medium Co 2 3b. Work even Bigger Cos way or we cant do business! Medium Co 3 3c. Work Mega Cos way or we cant do business! Medium Co 4 Developing reusable ways of doing business* that are based on common standards are a pre-requisite to bringing smaller businesses into widespread eCommerce 5. Big Co doesnt realize the benefits of automation as they cant extend all the way down the supply chain *Choreography definitions are just one of the essential parts!

7 Commerce One Copyright © 20037 Legend State Driven SellerBuyer Check Order Send Order Send Order Error Process Order Error New Order Created Order Error Message Checked Order Checked OK Order Checked Rejected Order Checked Error Order Sent Order Received Order Error Received Order Error Sent Interaction Process State

8 Commerce One Copyright © 20038 Interactions, Reliable Messaging and Signals SellerBuyer Check Order Send Order Order Sent Order Received Reliable Messaging Ack. Message Checked OK Message Processing Started Message Processing Complete Signals Reliable Messaging Interaction … the other messages are implementation dependent The Choreography definition defines just the messages that cause the state to change …

9 Commerce One Copyright © 20039 Cooperative Organizations SellerBuyer Check Order Send Order Send Order Error Process Order Error New Order Created Order Error Message Checked Order Checked OK Order Checked Rejected Order Checked Error Order Sent Order Received Order Error Received Order Error Sent xxx The Buyer cant control what the Seller does and vice versa … … but they both have to agree how they will cooperate … Private Process … which means they must have a shared understanding of what each will do!

10 Commerce One Copyright © 200310 Checking Choreography Progress SellerBuyer Send Order Order Sent Order Received ERP Record State Choreo- graphy Defin- ition State DB Shared Common Choreography Definition Check State State Errors Send Order Error Order Error Received Order Error Sent Record State Choreo- graphy Defin- ition Check State State DB ERP State Errors

11 Commerce One Copyright © 200311 Other Features Multi-Party Choreographies Any number of roles can take part One definition for all roles – makes sharing easier Importing Definitions Allows reusability of individual definitions, e.g. messages, roles, etc Extending Choreography Definitions Allows one Choreography to extend another … perhaps should be composition instead! Choreography Dependencies Once choreography can only execute after another, e.g. You can only query the state of a choreography if there is another choreography instance to query Semantic Definitions Two ways of defining semantics: in the XML, or at a URL Multi-lingual

12 XML Structures Note all attributes are required unless stated as optional

13 Commerce One Copyright © 200313 Choreography Definitions in multiple languages Import definitions from other files (works like WSDL) Define the roles involved Define the Message Families Define the Interactions Define one or more Choreography Definitions The same definitions can be reused in multiple choreographies

14 Commerce One Copyright © 200314 Choreography XML... Default language for content of Description elements

15 Commerce One Copyright © 200315 Description XML <Description language="en-uk" ref=""> This section contains a set of choreographies for Order Management Optional. If present, over- rides default language for content Optional. If present is URL of more detailed readable specification Semantic definitions Description elements can always occur zero or more times. Each occurrence must be for a different language

16 Commerce One Copyright © 200316 Import XML <Import namespace="" location=""/> Import works in the same way as a WSDL Import

17 Commerce One Copyright © 200317 Role & State A Role may have one or more states

18 Commerce One Copyright © 200318 Role & State XML This role represents the seller of goods or services... A Role name must be unique within a choreography file State names must also be unique within a choreography file States can also have a Description (not shown)

19 Commerce One Copyright © 200319 Message Family Messages in this family contain information to convey a request to purchase goods or services Message Family name must be unique within a choreography file URN uniquely identifies the Message Family

20 Commerce One Copyright © 200320 Interaction Definitions Send the order From the Buyer to the Seller <InteractionEndStates fromState="OrderSent" toState="OrderReceived"/> The name of the Interaction Sending Role Receiving Role Whats being sent State of the sending role after the message is sent State of the receiving role after the message is received

21 Commerce One Copyright © 200321 SellerBuyer Interaction End States Check Order Send Order New Order Created Order Sent Order Received Sending Role Receiving Role From State To State

22 Commerce One Copyright © 200322 Choreography Definition Allows one Choreography Definition to be the extension of another Declares a Choreography can only be followed if another choreography has been followed first Identifies the states that indicate the start and end of a choreography Defines the usage of an interaction Defines a process Interactions and processes can occur in any order

23 Commerce One Copyright © 200323 Choreography Definition (XML) <ChoreographyDefinition name="OrderManagementChoreography1" urn=""> A simple Order Management Choreography that includes the sending of an order from a Buyer to a Seller and the Seller returning an error if a problem is found....... Unique name Unique URN List of start and end states List of Interactions and Processes in any order

24 Commerce One Copyright © 200324 Start End States A state that indicates the start of the choreography A state that may be a last state for a Role in the choreography A state that is a last state for a Role in the choreography

25 Commerce One Copyright © 200325 Start End States example Start State Conditional End State SellerBuyer Check Order Send Order Send Order Error Process Order Error New Order Created Order Error Message Checked Order Checked OK Order Checked Rejected Order Checked Error Order Sent Order Received Order Error Received Order Error Sent End State If the Seller finds no problems with the Order, then OrderSent is the Buyers final state. But if problems are found then OrderErrorMessageChecked is the Buyers final state There is one Start state, but each Role must have one or more end states

26 Commerce One Copyright © 200326 Interactions and Processes A Boolean expression of states that must be true for the Interaction to occur A Boolean expression of states that must be true for the Process to occur A list of the possible end states for a process

27 Commerce One Copyright © 200327 Interaction and Process XML Send the order to the seller The seller checks the order. SellerBuyer Check Order Send Order New Order Created Order Checked OK Order Checked Rejected Order Checked Error Order Sent Order Received Reference to Interaction Definition Role that executes the process

28 Commerce One Copyright © 200328 Complete Choreography Example In this Choreography Definition, a Buyer sends an Order to a Seller. The Seller returns an Error Message, if the Order cannot be processed Send the order to the seller The seller checks the order. The order was in error - send an error Buyer Processes Order Error Message

29 Commerce One Copyright © 200329 Whats Missing from the spec Choreography Bindings to WSDL and SOAP Handling errors e.g. Message (document) errors, Process timeouts, transmission errors, etc Composing new choreographies out of existing choreographies Relationships to Reliable Messaging, signals and other protocols such as BTP and WS Transaction How Imports work Detailed schema validation rules, e.g. interdependencies Guidance on how to do run-time checks that a choreography is being correctly followed Inquiring on another roles choreography state Recovering from a failure of the choreography … this list is definitely not complete …

30 Commerce One Copyright © 200330 Issues Import Should also allow imports of process definitions Handling name conflicts between imports Roles & States name attributes are IDs, should probably make them unique just within their scope Roles should also be identified by a URI Processes Should be independently defined and importable

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