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Special Events Guidelines Designed to assist you in planning your special event. Provides suggestions for various types of dining experiences & details.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Events Guidelines Designed to assist you in planning your special event. Provides suggestions for various types of dining experiences & details."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Events Guidelines Designed to assist you in planning your special event. Provides suggestions for various types of dining experiences & details the ordering procedure. Facility Reservations and Arrangements - It is incumbent on the department or individual sponsoring the event to make all facility reservations and arrangements. This includes pre-event set up, breakdown and cleanup as well as arranging for the room furniture, table and chairs to be set up to your exact specifications. Reservations for special events should be made 3 business days prior to the event. This permits time to make all facility reservations and arrangements. Equipment - The department or individual sponsoring the event will be held responsible for any and all equipment utilized for the event. The Dining Service cannot lend equipment. Billing - In order to provide food or beverage for any college sponsored event, the Dining Service must be in receipt of a completed “Food Request Form”. The form must be signed by the Department Head sponsoring the event and the Vice President of Administrative Services one full business day before the event. (For Academic Departments - all requests must follow Academic Administrative Guidelines and require the Vice President and Dean of Academic Affair’s signature prior to submission to the Business Office). Pricing - indicated in this brochure are for events scheduled Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 2:00 pm. Prices are subject to change depending on size and staffing needs for an event scheduled for late afternoon, evening, Saturdays, Sundays or during semester breaks. Tax Exempt - organizations must provide FSA Dining Services with a copy of their certificate. Guaranteed Attendance - A guaranteed number of participants for your banquet meals should be submitted 4 business days prior to your event. You will be charged for 100% of the guaranteed amount, even if fewer guests attend the banquet. We will, however, prepare for 5% over the guarantee. Cancellation or changes in count after this time will result in a charge to “cover costs” of food and/or labor already incurred. China and Linen - Included with the price of catering is complete paper service. China and linen can be provided at an additional cost of seven dollars and fifty cents $7.50 per person. Dining Services guarantees the quality, taste and safety of all products we serve. Therefore, we cannot prep, cook, reheat and/or serve any products that are “brought from home” or “donated”. Minimum order for free delivery is $25.00. If minimum is not met, there is a $25.00 delivery charge.

2 Sample Form, available in FSA Dining Services Public Folder Food Service Request All F.S.A. Food service orders for College and Grant funded functions require the following procedures: 1. Verification of appropriation availability or verification that grant provides funds for particular function. 2. Complete this F.S.A. Food Service order form. Prior to submission of any order to the F.S.A. Food Service the following are required: A. Approval from the Dean/Department Head. B. Final approval from the Vice President and Dean of Administrative Services. In order to avoid delays, steps 1 and 2A should be completed prior to submission to the Vice President and Dean of Administrative Services for approval. Please be advised that strict adherence to the above procedure is necessary since the F.S.A. Food Service cannot fill orders without proper approval(s))) and authorization. Day: ____________________ Date: ____________ Time: ___________________ Department/Contact:___________________Contact Phone: _________________ Number of People: ________ Function Location:_______________ Time of Function: _______ Menu/Beverages Prices __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ TOTAL: $ Billing Notes: WCC Org. Code: _________- __________- __________ Account #: ______________ Event Sponsor: _______________________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Requested By: _______________________________ Date: __________________ Approval(s)))): Funding Verified: Yes: No: By:__________________________________ Approved - Dean/Dept. Head:___________________________ Date: ______________ *(Academic Departments require approval of the VP and Dean of Academic Affairs) Approved - VP and Dean of Academic Affairs: ____________________ Date: ________ Approved - VP and Dean of Administrative Services: _______________ Date: ________ IM.:elc 10/01/09

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