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Faith Project Phase III. Emergency Rest Center Guide  Template  Standard operating guidelines  Mutual aid agreement.

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Presentation on theme: "Faith Project Phase III. Emergency Rest Center Guide  Template  Standard operating guidelines  Mutual aid agreement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faith Project Phase III

2 Emergency Rest Center Guide  Template  Standard operating guidelines  Mutual aid agreement

3  One template to be customized at the individual faith organization level  Components  ICS structure  Requirements of staff/volunteers  Contact information  Reimbursement instructions  Activation/demobilization instructions  Equipment and supplies necessary  Sample press releases  Forms  Job action sheets Emergency Rest Center Guide

4 SOGs  Formatting similar to regional sheltering plan  Cover page gives snapshot of Initial Response Actions, Daily ERC Operations, and Recovery tasks  Detailed pages follow

5 Mutual Aid Agreement  Between faith organization and host community  As simple as possible  Voluntary  Includes reimbursement procedure

6 Outreach Materials  Brochure  Flyer  ERC v. shelter poster  ERC talking points  Blog postings  Website  Lessons learned while reaching out

7  Let’s Make a Plan trainings  7 trainings  150 people attended  Meetings with faith-based organizations  31 meetings  80 organizations participated  118 people attended  12 emergency rest centers confirmed; 14 potential  3 radio programs reaching a listening audience of approx. 6,000  1 news article reaching approx. 4,000 Statistics

8  Meetings with other stakeholders  30 meetings  149 organizations  EMDs  Police, fire, EMS  MRC, CERT  Red Cross, Salvation Army  Hospitals, public health  Senior centers, councils on aging  Media  MEMA, MDPH  Selectmen, planning board, school officials  Colleges  Building inspector

9 ERC Locations

10  Sheffield ERC Partnership  Northampton/Amherst fire chaplain  Williamstown ERC Partnership  Promoting sustainability by linking ERC partnerships with regional resources Success Stories

11  Partnership model  Working through fire chaplains  Training on guide  Encouraging participation on COADs Recommended Next Steps

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