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Lottery Rose Vocabulary Chapters 5-7. Forlorn feeling sad, lonely and almost hopeless usually from being left alone.

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Presentation on theme: "Lottery Rose Vocabulary Chapters 5-7. Forlorn feeling sad, lonely and almost hopeless usually from being left alone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lottery Rose Vocabulary Chapters 5-7

2 Forlorn feeling sad, lonely and almost hopeless usually from being left alone

3 hoarsely Hoarsely is an adverb, as are most words that end with “ly.” Hoarsely describes “how” a person sounds when he speaks. Hoarsely – sounding harsh or having a rough or scratchy voice. Sarah’s cold made her speak hoarsely.

4 delirium Delirium is a noun. It is a feeling or the way someone may act. Delirium- wild excitement or a mental disturbance marked by confusion, disturbed speech, and hallucinati ons.

5 Din Din is a noun that refers to loud noise and commotion that can cause disturbance. The din from the unruly crowd gave Gladys a headache.

6 Subdue Subdue is a verb. It shows action. This word means to overcome in battle, to control, or it can mean to reduce the brightness or strength of something.

7 Destructive Destructive is an adjective that describes. It is related to the word destroy. Tornadoes and other natural disasters can be destructive to human life and property.

8 Incorrigible Incorrigible is an adjective that can describe a person’s behavior. This type of behavior is not appropriate. incorrigible – not able to be corrected or reformed to a better or more appropriate state of behavior An incorrigible person may need to be incarcerated.

9 Enviou s Envious is an adjective that can describe a person who is jealous of others. Some people use the idiom, “He is green with envy.”

10 Now you practice making your vocabulary more vociferous! Use three of your new words in sentences. Write synonyms for three others. Draw pictures illustrating the meanings of the other two.

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