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Presentation on theme: "EMOTIONAL MESSAGES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Principles of emotions and emotinal messages
Obstacles to communicating Emotions Skills for Expressing Emotions Skills for Responding to the Emotions of Others


4 Emotions May Be Primary or Blended
Primary emotions are joy, acceptance, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, anticipation Love, awe, contempt, aggressiveness are blends of primary emotions. Negative emotions

5 Emotions consist of : A physical part ( our physiological reactions) A cognitive part ( our interpretations of our feelings) A cultural part ( our cultural traditions influence on our emotional evaluations & expressions)

6 Emotions are communicated verbally and nonverbally
Emotional are always very strongly, sometimes only midly Emotional feeling and emotional communication are two different things

7 Emotions Expression is governed by display rules
Different cultures, display rules govern what is and what is not permissible emotional comunication Women talk more about feelings & emotions & use communication for emotional expression more than man ( Barbato & Perse, 1992) Women are also more likely to express socialy acceptable emotions than are men (Brody,1985)

8 Emotions Are Contagious (Cappella & Schreiber,2006)
In emotion contagion emotions pass from one person to another;women are especially prone to this process

9 Emotional isolation refers to the situation in which a person has no intimate with whom to share emotion In what ways might people seek to prevent or lessen emotional issolation ?

10 Theories of Emotions You experience You respond An Event occurs
physiologically You experience an emotion An Event occurs

11 Theories of Emotions James – Lange Theory
You experience an Emotion – joy or sadness You respond physiologically An Event occurs

12 Theories of Emotions Cognitive labelling theory
You interpret this arousal; you decide what you Are experiencing You respond physiologically An Event occurs You Experience The emotions

13 Obstacles to communicating emotions
Societal and cultural customs Fear of appearing weak or powerless Inadequate interpersonal skill : lack of skill in expressing emotions.

14 Skill for expressing emotions
Understand your feelings and what made you feel this way Describe your feelings as accurately as possible identify the reasons for your feelings anchor your feelings and their expression in the present time own your own feelings Ask for what you want Handle your anger as appropiate

15 Anger Management Self Context Receiver Effect Affermath Messages

16 Anger Comunications Get ready to communicate calmly and logically
Examine your communication choices Consider the advantages of delaying the expression of anger Remember that different cultures have different display rules Apply the relevant skills of interpersonal communications Recall the irreversibility of communication

17 Skills for responding to the emotions of others
Look at nonverbal cues to understand the individuals feelings Look for cues as to what the person wants is for someone to listen; don’t assume it’s to solve their problem. Use active listening techniques Empathize : see the situation from other person’s perspective. Ask yourself what the other person may be feeling Focus on the other person. Avoid interpreting the situations from your experiences. Remember the irreversibility communications.

18 Marie & Tom have been maried for several years
Marie & Tom have been maried for several years. Tom is extremely expressive, yelling one minute. Mary is nonexpressive. This difference is now causing problems.Mary feels Tom reacts impulsively without thinking her feelings. Tom feels is unwilling to share her life with him. What skills do Tom and Mary need to learn.


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