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Welcome! Third Grade 2014-15 Mrs. Bradford Miss Jurgens Mrs. Kaye Mrs. Linden with Miss King Mrs. Schramer.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Third Grade 2014-15 Mrs. Bradford Miss Jurgens Mrs. Kaye Mrs. Linden with Miss King Mrs. Schramer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Third Grade 2014-15 Mrs. Bradford Miss Jurgens Mrs. Kaye Mrs. Linden with Miss King Mrs. Schramer

2 Communication KONNECT: students and parents should check daily to find homework, announcements, forms & information. Assignment notebook/planner: students write daily assignments and parent initials it daily. Mrs. Schramer Email Phone :(630) 466-8500 ext. 160

3 Key Communicators Network (KCN) Sign up on the Kaneland website. Facebook KONNECT app for smart phones Twitter PTO site: (fun lunch, events...)

4 Schedule 8:50 - 10:00 Reading 10:00 - 10:25 RtI 10:25 - 11:00 Writing 11:00 - 11:45 Physical Activity/Lunch 11:45 - 12:10 Writing 12:10 - 1:10 Specials 1:10 - 2:10 Math 2:10 - 2:40 Word Study 2:40 - 3:15 Science/Social Studies 3:15 - 3:25 Read Aloud

5 A DAY – MUSIC/P.E. B DAY – COMPUTER C DAY – P.E./LITERACY D DAY – MUSIC/P.E. E DAY – ART Rotating Specials Schedule

6 Expectations Third grade starts right out of the gate! Each quarter goals increase in difficulty. Learner characteristics (listening,completing work, making wise choices,participating, being prepared, etc.) and academic achievement go hand in hand.

7 Language Arts Reading: Participate in small/whole group instruction. Read at home as well as at school. (See next slide.) Writers’ Workshop: Students will be engaging in many different forms of writing including narratives, persuasive, expository, informative. They will be taken through the writing process with emphasis on the six traits of good writing. Six traits include voice, ideas, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions and presentation. Writers improve by writing much and applying author’s examples from reading. Word Study: Words will be sorted into common patterns. Students should learn to apply each pattern to other words in their reading and writing. Daily practice will be a part of the school day.


9 Math Flexible groups are created at the start of each cluster of core standards. Pretest scores and teachers determine class placement according to students’ prior knowledge of key concepts, their learning styles, and class pacing.

10 Science/Social Studies Hands-on activities Simulation activity Research Writing Speaking

11 Theory Thursdays -Students take turns to model a science experiment for the class. -Students choose from provided experiments or find one on their own (parent approval required) -Parents and students provide materials, prepare and practice. -Demonstrate experiments on assigned Thursday.

12 Homework Math Homework Math Flashcards/memorize facts!! Reading (20 min/day with 100 min/week minimum) Turn in reading minutes weekly with parent initials. Parents sign/initial assignment notebook DAILY. Homework will be on KONNECT.


14 Classroom Expectations Respect one another. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Be responsible for your actions.

15 Class Incentives Marbles reward great work and behavior. Accentuate the positive! Class votes on an activity to celebrate. Knights tickets are school wide incentives.

16 Family Photos Please send a snapshot to school. They make our classroom personal. A family photo is preferred. 4x6 or 5x7 are excellent sizes for our space. Thank YOU!

17 Lastly… Please provide your email addresses. Classroom helpers can sign up here. Sign up for Parent-Teacher conferences in the Multi-Purpose Room. Visit our PTO and displays in the gym. Thank YOU!

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