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1 Careers in Housing and Interior Environments Chapter 4 Homes and Interiors.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Careers in Housing and Interior Environments Chapter 4 Homes and Interiors."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Careers in Housing and Interior Environments Chapter 4 Homes and Interiors

2 2 Objectives: Determine how personal characteristics relate to career decisions Identify resources for career information Develop a career plan Identify the steps in getting a job Identify the skills necessary for keeping a job

3 3 Terms to learn: (Assign students) Ability Apprenticeship Aptitude Employability skills Entrepreneurs Entry-level job Interview

4 4 Terms to learn continued: Job application Job shadowing Mentors Networking Portfolio Resume’ References

5 5 Getting to know yourself : (Questions to ask yourself) What are your hopes and dreams? Where do you want to live? What do you want from a career? How much time and energy do you want to devote to a job?

6 6 Your values: Values: principles you live by and the beliefs that are important to you Examples: learning, family, and independence Thought question: Do you keep your word? Are you responsible?

7 7 Your aptitudes and abilities: Aptitude: natural talent Example: putting colors and fabrics together attractively Ability: Skill you have developed Example: Arranging and decorating using the principles of design rules

8 8

9 9 Your personality and interests: What are your personality traits? Example: always late, a night person, like working alone, working with your hands What are your hobbies: Do you collect things? How do you spend your free time?

10 Learning about Careers Researching Careers Dictionary of Occupational Titles DOT - Job Descriptions - 10

11 4 Categories of Jobs Entry –level little training, high school diploma Technical special knowledge of a technical skill Professional a bachelor’s or advanced degree Entrepreneurial people who start their own business 11

12 Job Shadowing Means spending time with a person at work and learning by watching as he or she performs the functions of the job How would this experience help you evaluate your interest in the job? 12

13 Work Experience On-the-job experience Work-study program Part-time jobs Summer jobs Volunteer work in a field of interest 13

14 14 Interest surveys: interest surveys - Google Search Keirsey Temperament Sorter

15 15 Developing your career plan: Setting goals: short and long-term Examples of each: _________________ __________________________________ Education and training: how do entry- level jobs differ from specialized training? Compare and contrast

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17 17 Basic job skills: The basics: reading, writing, etc. Thinking skills: problem solving Personal qualities: honesty Foresight: see problems before they happen Decision-making: make good choices Relationship skills: getting along

18 18 Owning your own business: Pros: Cons:

19 19 Finding a job: Networking: Who do you know? Job advertisements: Where do you look? Resumes: page 91 textbook, templates on-line Job applications: sample Interviews: dos and don’ts Portfolios: keep copies of your best work

20 The Interview Before the interview- find out about the company, practice, what to wear During the interview- be positive, be yourself, prepare questions Follow-up/ evaluate the interview, send a letter The offer- think about it, list the pros and cons 20

21 On the job Arrive on time or early Practice good hygiene Produce quality work Maintain productive work habits Manage your time wisely Perform tasks efficiently Set priorities 21

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