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PDP for the Initial Educator Modified from the South West Education Association.

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Presentation on theme: "PDP for the Initial Educator Modified from the South West Education Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 PDP for the Initial Educator Modified from the South West Education Association

2 A PDP… Renews your license Moves a new teacher from Initial Educator to Professional Educator Provides a format for PLANNED professional growth impacting student learning.

3 License History Life licenses Renewable licenses-5 years, six credits PI-34 -3 levels-renewable-PDP required Initial Educator (3-5 years) Professional Educator (5 years) Master Educator (10 years)

4 Your PDP Must: Describe how you will grow professionally Describe the impact your growth will have on student learning Include collaboration Address two or more of your educator standards

5 A PDP is not a Portfolio - It is a Plan Portfolio Contents determined by IHE or NBPTS Evidence for ALL standards Assessed Plan YOU decide the contents Evidence for 2 or more standards Verified

6 A PDP is not Assessed - It is Verified Assess: to examine something in order to judge or evaluate it Your performance is judged on the basis of the evidence in your portfolio. Verify: to prove that something is true. The completion of your plan is verified by the evidence you provide.

7 YOU Assess You assess your professional growth You assess the impact of your growth on student learning

8 Documentation for Verification You choose documentation Of professional growth Of impact on student learning

9 Initial Educator Timeline Year 1: reflect Year 2: New: Goal must be submitted to DPI in January of second year of regular teaching Year 2-4: work plan and review annually If major change, submit to team Year 5: submit completed plan with documentation to team by Jan. 15 (See Toolkit for detailed timeline)

10 Initial Educator Team One IHE Representative One Administrator One educator of the same license category (Teacher, Pupil Services, Administrator, not your mentor) Trained by the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Chosen by YOU

11 Professional Educator Timeline Year 1: reflect, write plan and begin working the plan Year 2-4: work the plan and review annually Year 5: complete plan and submit with documentation by Jan. 15 (See Toolkit for detailed timeline)

12 Professional Educator Team Three educators of the same license category as you. Trained by the DPI. Chosen by you.

13 You should be thinking… What do you need or want to do that will improve your performance as an educator AND impact student learning?

14 STEP 1- Year One Preparing to Write the Plan Self-reflection

15 Sample Reflection I think reading is a vital skill for every child. I am going to reflect on my abilities to teach reading in my third grade classroom.

16 I think I teach reading well. My students average score on the 3rd grade reading test is equal or above that of the other third grade teachers in my building. The averaged scores are above the state averages. I do not meet the needs of a few each year. There are always 2 or 3 scoring minimal or basic I refer these students for special help rather than attempt to meet their needs myself. I did not certify on the portion of the nbpts assessment dealing with meeting the needs of a single reader. Based on this evidence, I feel I need to learn to differentiate my reading instruction to meet the needs of all children. Evidence

17 Where to look for ideas Rubrics for effective practice See link in PDP instructions on QEI site Reflection journals and logs My Journal on QEI site Feedback Artifacts Analysis of results of previous efforts Check notes in your teacher’s manuals Examination of critical incidents Refer to parent teacher conference notes or incident reports

18 THINK What are you doing well? What evidence do you have? What is NOT working well for you? What evidence do you have? Have you gotten feedback that would point to an area for growth? Is there a method, project, implementation about which you are passionate and which you have reason to believe will have a positive impact on students? Where do you want to be, as an educator, in five years? What will that look like? What knowledge or skills do you need to achieve that vision?

19 Step II A- Year 2 Description of School and Teaching, Administrative, or Pupil Services Situation

20 You must include: Description of your current position What is your title and what do you do? Number of years in this license category How many years have you taught, been an administrator or pupil services professional? Location of school as urban, suburban, rural Use these words Ethnic, cultural, special needs, socioeconomic diversity of school population Check the link on the QEI site, the DPI or your district office

21 You may include Special district needs Building plan Increase/decrease in size or personnel Change in demographics Other pertinent information Change in position for you New course Change in text or method Building or district initiatives

22 Step II B Description of the Goal(s) to be Addressed

23 Important If you choose more than one goal, you will complete every component for EACH goal - essentially a separate PDP for each.

24 Your goal must be: Verifiable Relevant to your self-reflection Aligned with Wisconsin Educator Standards

25 Recommended stem: I will… What will you do to impact your professional growth? What will you learn, research, study, etc. AND how will you implement, apply, develop and use, etc.? so that….. What will happen differently with student learning?

26 First Goal Attempt… I will learn about differentiation practices so that my students will learn to read better.

27 Getting better…. I will develop a repertoire of differentiation strategies so that all of my students will learn to read at or near grade level.

28 Bingo!! I will learn to assess individual readers and develop a repertoire of differentiated instructions strategies, using them to meet the individual needs of my students so that all students in my classroom will read at the basic or above level on the Wisconsin third grade reading assessment.

29 Collaboration - Consult an expert from the university - Collaborate with the other teachers at my grade level - Meet regularly with the Title One Reading teacher and the Reading specialist in our district - Collaborate with the teacher whose students always score basic and above

30 Think Professional Growth What knowledge, skills and/or dispositions do you want or need to gain? What will you DO with what you learn so that it impacts student learning? Effect on Student Learning How will your growth impact students? Collaboration With whom could you collaborate?

31 In other words What will you learn? What will you do with what you learn? How will it impact student learning?

32 Step II C Rationale

33 The reasoning that underlies or explains a particular course of action. Link to: Self-reflection Your position Your educator standards

34 Self-reflection: The methods of instruction and assessment for hands-on, inquiry-based learning are different from the ones with which I am familiar. I do not feel confident or effective in using them. Educational Situation: My district has adopted math and science programs that require these skills. I accept them as best practice and must increase my skills for the benefit of my students. Teacher Rationale

35 Relates to standards… Standards: My professional growth will be promoted in standards 1, 4, and 8.

36 Think Why did you select this goal? What thinking (reflection) led you to this choice? What about the situation in which you work, your position and responsibilities impacts your choice of this goal? Which standards does it address?

37 Step II D Plan for Assessing and Documenting Your Goal

38 Assessment You must assess your professional growth the impact of your professional growth on student learning You will state your plan for these assessments.

39 Documentation Your completed plan will be verified by the documentation you submit. You will need documentation to verify professional growth and impact on student learning. Your assessment results may be used for documentation.

40 Teacher Goal I will increase my knowledge and skills in both instruction and assessment in hands-on, inquiry-based instruction so that my third grade students will learn science and math using the programs adopted by my district as demonstrated by success on the assessments provided with the programs.

41 Step II D: Teacher I will assess my professional growth by keeping a journal of my learning and by having my supervisor observe me and comment in particular on my skills in instruction and assessment of math and science.

42 And it affects students… I will assess impact on student learning by analyzing the data produced from the summative assessments used in each program and by keeping and analyzing copies of the observational, formative assessments used in each program.

43 Think How will you know if you have increased your knowledge and skills? What evidence will you provide? How will you know what the impact on students has been? What evidence will you provide?

44 Step II E Plan to Meet Your Goals Objectives, Activities, Timeline and Collaboration

45 How do you plan to meet your goal? What steps will you take? Objectives: What will you know or be able to do after you accomplish this objective? Activities: The actions you will take to accomplish your objective. Timeline: When you will do each of these things? Collaboration: Which activities will involve collaboration? With whom?

46 Teacher objectives I will increase my knowledge of mathematics and of the development of mathematical understanding in children. I will develop the skills needed to instruct FOSS Science and Investigations Math effectively. I will develop the skills for both formative and summative assessment in FOSS Science and Investigations Math.

47 Objective #1: I will increase my knowledge of mathematics and of the development of mathematical understanding in children CEDUC 547: Teaching Strategies to Increase Math Achievement in the Elementary School Classroom, on-line course Timeline: fall semester 2008 Collaboration

48 Possible Activities I will study the explanations of mathematical development in the support materials provided with the Investigations Math series. Summer 2008 and continuing The team of third grade teachers will meet bimonthly to collaborate on the implementation of this math series.

49 Sources for activities Educator toolkit Page 12 and 13 QEI website - Opportunities Listed by standard, subject, delivery Professional development coordinator Universities Colleagues Web searches Professional organizations, journals

50 Think Objectives: What knowledge or skills must you gain to accomplish your goal? Activities: What will you do to acquire this knowledge or skill? Objectives: What are the major steps you will need to take in implementing your goal? Activities: What will you do to accomplish each of these steps? When? With whom?

51 Goal Approval-Submitted for verification by Initial Educators only. Your team will use the checklist

52 Step III -Years 2-4(all) Annual Review

53 You must include Completion dates for objectives and activities completed Reflection on professional growth toward the standards you identified Reflection on the impact on student learning Reflection on collaboration Description of any revisions in goal, objectives or activities

54 Reflection Description tells WHAT Analysis tells SO WHAT Reflection tells NOW WHAT You will do all three in your annual review. Tell what you accomplished that year. Tell what impact that has on your progress toward your goals. Tell how that affects what you will do next.

55 Description - What? I implemented a classroom management strategy based on a system of rewards for good behavior. It didn’t make an appreciable difference in on-task behavior nor on the number of disruptions.

56 Analysis - So what? I was uncomfortable with this plan. It felt very “contrived.” I think that this plan doesn’t fit with my belief that rewarding good behavior is not the way to make a permanent change. Therefore, I didn’t administer this program with real conviction and was perhaps inconsistent.

57 Reflection - What next? I need to find a program that both fits with my disposition and is appropriate for my students. I will try a program in which, as a classroom community, we set the standards of behavior and the means to handle misbehavior.

58 Annual review notes - teacher Fill in dates for completed activities Professional Growth: Feeling more confident as I develop understanding of the mathematical concepts Understanding development of math concepts for students=increased ability to do formative assessments Realize part of problem with science is inability to manage cooperative learning groups

59 Impact on student learning Ability to assess and increased understanding enables me to differentiate math problems. Students feel more successful and are motivated to continue trying, leading to more understanding. Collaboration Helps to talk out each lesson and find how others worked out problems I’m not only one struggling with cooperative groups in science. Annual review con’t…

60 …more annual review! Changes for next year Add learning to manage cooperative learning groups as objective Add summer workshop on cooperative learning groups Team will do book study on cooperative learning

61 Think What did you finish this year? Record completion dates in Step II E. In what ways have you grown professionally this year? So what? What new knowledge or skills have you gained as a result of your activities? So what? How did your growth affect student learning? What did you learn from and about collaboration? What changes, if any, will you make in your plan for next year? Why?

62 Step IV - End of year 4 beginning of year 5 Documentation of Completion of Your PDP

63 How can I prove it?? Step IV A Evidence of Professional Growth and Effect on Student Learning Annual reviews Approved and signed Goal Approval Form (Initial Educators only) Step IV B Reflection and Summary

64 Evidence 3 to 5 pieces (artifacts) QUALITY, not quantity Choose carefully: Which pieces of evidence best document your growth toward your goals? Which pieces of evidence best document the impact on student learning? You need evidence of BOTH

65 Sources of evidence See Educator Toolkit pages 16 and 17 What artifacts will you submit for each? What artifacts do you have from your assessments? COLLECT OVER TIME!!

66 Description of evidence For each artifact offered as evidence write: What is this? What does this document? What does it say about your professional growth toward your goal? Or What does it say about the effect your professional growth had on student learning? (You need evidence of both

67 Reflection and Summary How you grew professionally in the standards identified in your plan How that professional growth had an effect on student learning Description of how you collaborated with others Discussion of the achievement of your goals, including any changes made to your goals throughout the cycle.

68 You’ve spent 3 to 5 years on this plan - Think How did you grow professionally in the standards you identified? How did your growth impact student learning? How did you collaborate with others? What did you learn from and about collaboration? What changes did you make in your plan throughout the cycle? What was the impact of those changes? In summary, what did you learn from the process of preparing and completing your PDP?

69 Final Step Submit your completed plan to your review team for verification by January of your last year of certification(usually the 5 th year) Submit documentation of approval to DPI by June 1 of renewal year.

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