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Welcome to Third Grade Curriculum Night Our Goal is that by the end of the year all students will be proficient and prepared for fourth grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Third Grade Curriculum Night Our Goal is that by the end of the year all students will be proficient and prepared for fourth grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Third Grade Curriculum Night Our Goal is that by the end of the year all students will be proficient and prepared for fourth grade.

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5 Assessment Cycles  One Baseline Assessment in math  N.C. Read to Achieve Standardized test as a baseline measurement for reading. (Pre EOG)  Fluency Reading Assessments  Fluency Math Assessments  2 Benchmark Assessments (BA)  Common Assessments (CA)  Subject Unit Tests  NC End of Grade Tests (EOG) 5

6 Math  Envisions Textbook  Hands On Instruction  Small Group Remediation and Enrichment 6

7 English Language Arts  Balanced Literacy Instruction which includes Phonics, Vocabulary, Spelling, Fluency, and Comprehension  Small Group Remediation and Enrichment  Scott Foresman Reading Street Textbook  Novel Studies  Guided and Independent Reading 7

8 Communication  Email  Handwritten Notes  Agendas  Newsletter  Weekly Folders  Conferences (teacher and student led)  Class Webpages 8

9 North Carolina Common Core Standards 2013 -2014

10 Who? 48 states, the District of Columbia, and two territories have signed on to the Common Core State Standards Initiative

11 Standards Development Process  College and career readiness standards developed in summer 2009  Based on the college and career readiness standards, K-12 learning progressions developed  Multiple rounds of feedback from states, teachers, and feedback group and validation committee.  Groups representing English language learners and students with disabilities were instrumental in developing the ELL and students with disabilities statements in the introduction to the standards.

12 Why is This Important for Students, Teachers, and Parents?  Prepares students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in college and work  Ensures consistent expectations regardless of a student’s zip code  Provides educators, parents, and students with clear, focused learning targets.

13 Criteria for the Standards  Fewer, clearer, and higher  Aligned with college and work expectations  Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills  Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards  Internationally benchmarked, so that all students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society  Based on evidence and research

14 More Information  Visit

15 PBIS-What is it?  Positive Behavior Interventions and Support  Proactive approach to school-wide discipline  Promotes positive student and staff behavior  Implemented consistently by staff and administration

16 Traditional vs. PBIS Traditional  Focused on Problem behavior  Goal to stop problem behavior through punishment  PBIS  Replace problem behavior with new skill  Rewards appropriate behavior as it is being learned  Teaches the concept of consequences both good and bad.

17 Response to Instruction or RtI  All students will participate in AIMS Web Screening and Mclass 3D Screening to assess Reading and Math  Differentiation within the classroom, Pirate Time, and PBIS all help to support this model.

18 RtI is……. ( Pirate Time)  Whole school working together  Using resources and expertise to help all students  Regular monitoring of success/needs  Data driven instruction!  Multi-step process  High-quality, research-based instruction and interventions  Varying levels of intensity  Match interventions to student’s needs RtI

19 Read to Achieve Program: Information for Parents of Third Graders 19

20 20 The goal of the State is to ensure that every student reads at or above grade level by the end of third grade.

21 21 *At the end of the school year, students take the 3rd grade End-of-Grade (EOG) test in reading. *If they do not pass the EOG in reading, they have a chance to retest. *If they do not pass the EOG reading retest, they can take an alternate assessment in reading.

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