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Body Expression of Emotion (BEE)

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1 Body Expression of Emotion (BEE)
Computational Model for Body Expression of Emotion (BEE) by Marina Ousov-Fridin Tamar Flash Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

2 Statement of the problem
Main Aim: To provide compact math. representation of BEE for 4 basic emotions: Sadness, Joy, Fear, Anger and build computational model. Based on it to define primitives and synergisms. Correlation between Primitives and Perception.

3 Theory of organization of the motor system: Primitives and Synergies
Motor primitives: the entire repertoire of man actions could be constructed from limited set of building blocks (Mussa-Ivaldi [2004]): universal defined in terms of different state variables, coordinate frames and may exist at different levels of representation static, kinematical, dynamic or combined Examples: Troje - PCA ; Mataric - static set of joint angles;…. Synergies: the coordinated control over several limb segments or multiple effectors. coordination between different leg angles coordination between hand and leg trajectories.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

4 The BEE: input stream (1)
Type of Input Data Static Dynamic Video Sensors Single person Context-Free Simulations Performing Stimulating Emotional Behavior Arts Multiple persons Performing, Stimulating Emotional Behavior and Arts Acquiring spontaneous emotional behavior ۷ ۷ ۷ ۷ ۷ ۷ ۷ Naturalness ۷ ۷ Computational Complexity ۷ ۷ ۷ ۷ ۷ ۷

5 The BEE input stream (1) Type: Genuine range of subjects :
Single person ,Context-Free Simulations, Static Photos Naturalness Low Computational Complexity Genuine range of subjects : Ordinary people and actors; Genders, ages, social backgrounds and cultural influences; Build in


7 The BEE input stream (2) Main Problem: Uncertainty and uniqueness
Observer Performer Performers present the apex of the expression by their opinion in the portrayed BEE RecognitionRatepicture Subjects: 27 (R.V. Lab) 18 (~20 y. old) 24 (14-17 y. old) 72 (artists) IntensityRatepicture Subjects: 21 (R.V. Lab)

8 Human Body Parts Position Estimation
Vision Processing Extract candidate features : Human Vision-based analysis Tracking Human Body Parts Position Estimation Tracking Body (Segmentation) Tracking Body Parts (Labeling) Body model estimation Tracking Heads/Faces Head Position Estimation Tracking Hands Gesture Recognition

9 Select important features/primitives
Information measurement criteria: I(C; F) = H(C) – H (C|F) is amount of information delivered by a candidate primitive about the class of emotion Primitive definition (F) Bank of primitives (B) data set belong to class otherwise Class Non Class

10 Similarity Function Similarity measurement (S)
Normalized Cross Correlation Distance between turning function of polygon Primitive as binary variables (Fi)

11 Mutual Information Algorithm
MI and associated threshold The mutual information between the primitive and the class of a emotion (I) Similarity Threshold ( ) Max-Min Algorithm First Primitive K-primitive: max additional information

12 General Scheme S Max - Min Anger : Fear : Joy : Sadness : . . . . . .

13 Results: Body Joy (Join Angles) Recognition Rate MI Max-Min JA
Anger Fear Joy Sadness 0.1755 0.1484 0.1755 0.0108 JA Sim. Measur. TA 0.1467 0.1431 0.0827 0.0960 0.1408 0.1408 0.1215 0.0781

14 Sadness: Right Gesture
Results: Gesture Sadness: Right Gesture Recognition Rate Anger Fear Joy Sadness Right Hand Extract Edge : primitives are gesture polygon Similarity Measurement : distance between turning function Left Hand Max-Min

15 Additional Feature (1) Head Body Feature Vision processing Pith
Body boundary box normalized by silhouette Body tendency Vision processing Segmentation: background subtraction Find Body Silhouette: morphology and edge detection Head Pith Roll Tracking head: Skin detection Approximation to ellipse on HSV color space

16 How to combine all possible
Additional Feature (2) Anger Fear Joy Sadness Head How to combine all possible feature? Body

17 BEE Perception and correlation to Computational model
Rating database; influence of rating on computational model. Class differences: Gender Actors Culture influences Contributes to emotion theory Response time – Wrong/Right Recognition Response Time - Emotion

18 Conclusion exists computational model, describes static BEE (for 4 basic emotion) by compact representation, when features (primitives) are selected by computational measurement (MI)

19 Thank you for your attention!

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