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Back to School Third Grade Classes Monday, August 17, 2015 Open House/Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Third Grade Classes Monday, August 17, 2015 Open House/Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Third Grade Classes Monday, August 17, 2015 Open House/Orientation

2 District Mission Statement The mission of Marshall Schools is to… help students develop an appropriate plan for post-secondary success, provide students with essential curricular experiences that prepare them for college and/or the workforce, help students develop 21 st Century Life Skills, become Lifelong Learners and understand the value of Good Character and Service. 9/22/2015

3 Daily Schedule 8:00 First Bell 8:05 Last Bell/Classes Begin  Student considered tardy 11:00-11:30 Lunch 11:30-11:50 Noon Recess 2:50 Dismissal  Need note if not following the signed departure form

4 Birthday Snacks Follow our school’s Wellness Policy  Barnum’s Animal Crackers  Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers  Rold Gold Pretzels  Microwave Popcorn  Nabisco Teddy Grahams  Kellogg’s Cereals Fruit Loops, Chocolate Mini Wheats, Apple Jacks  Malto Meal Cinnamon Toasters  Great Value Honey or Cinnamon Graham Crackers, Cheese Snacks-variety of flavors, Vanilla wafers  Sunshine Brand Cheese Its  General Mills Cereals Kix and Honey Kix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cheerios-original, chocolate, multi-grain, Apple Cinnamon Cookie Crisp, Chex Mix-Cheddar and Traditional Snack milk is $.30

5 Special Classes Third grade will have Music, Library, Computer and Art once a week and P.E. twice a week. Appropriate shoes are required for P.E. If a student forgets shoes 3 times in a 9-week period, they will be assigned an “after school detention”! Times for special classes will vary for each classroom.

6 9/22/2015 Grading Grades will be given on performance of specific skills, tests, and projects.  Study guides will be sent home in advance for science and social studies tests. Progress reports and report cards each grading period.  Each need a signature slip returned School wide evaluations  AimsWeb, Common Core, STAR Do not reflect on report cards

7 School Wide Grading Scale A 93%-100% B 85%-92% C 74%-84% D 66%-73% F 65% and below Sometimes grades will be averaged if there is a rework.

8 Discipline Plan Third grade behavior will be monitored by a checkmark system this year. Behavior will also be monitored in special classes. Three checkmarks will result in loss of “Reward Recess”. Three losses of “Reward Recess” will result in lunch detention. Every missing assignment will result in a checkmark and loss of recesses to make up assignment.

9 9/22/2015 Reading Reading practice is very important for success. Read the assigned story and drill on the vocabulary for each story. A weekly comprehension, skills and vocabulary test will be given. Most reading stories have an A.R. test that the students will take for a grade. Students are allowed to use their reading books on the tests except for vocabulary. Read nightly in AR(library) book  At least 15 minutes. A “half day of fun” for those who achieve their goal for the quarter!

10 Spelling Spelling list will come home each Monday. Final test is each Friday.  Those who earn an A+ or only miss one on the pretest do not take the 16 word test on Friday.  Everyone takes the 4 bonus words on Friday. No penalty for missing bonus words If all 4 bonus words are spelled and written correctly, then student’s name is placed in the bonus basket. At the end of the quarter, 2 names are drawn to eat pizza with the teacher.

11 Math Math facts need to be memorized  We will try to not count on fingers Reduces careless mistakes and work is much faster Family of facts helps with memorizing 2+5=7 5+2=7 7-5=2 7-2=5 Please check over your child’s assigned homework.

12 Homework Expectations Practice spelling words Practice reading vocabulary words Read AR book for 15 min. if no regular reading story for night assigned Practice multiplication facts Finish daily assignments, if not completed at school Study for tests using study guides

13 Take Home Folder The Take Home folder should come home daily.  Weekly calendar, special event notes, study guides, spelling words, important notes, graded work, etc. The folder should be brought to school daily.  Use the folder to send lunch money, notes, etc.

14 9/22/2015 Special Incentives Weekly Reward Recess Quarterly Half-Day Fun Day  Those who meet AR goals for quarter Quarterly Spelling Pizza Lunch  Drawing from Bonus Basket-2 students

15 Parent Conferences Conferences are October 22 (3:45 – 7:00 pm) and Friday, October 23 (8:00 – 11:00 pm) We hope to see everyone at the fall Parent/Teacher Conferences.

16 Summary Questions ? It is going to be a great year!!!!

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