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Comparison of U.S. and Texas Constitution. U.S. Constitution Similarities Texas Constitution  U.S. Constitution has not been rewritten  has strong separation.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparison of U.S. and Texas Constitution. U.S. Constitution Similarities Texas Constitution  U.S. Constitution has not been rewritten  has strong separation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparison of U.S. and Texas Constitution

2 U.S. Constitution Similarities Texas Constitution  U.S. Constitution has not been rewritten  has strong separation of powers & strong executive (Legislative, Executive, Judicial)  U.S Constitution is short, about 7,400 words, with only 27 Amendments  state constitutions have been rewritten several times  have weak separation of powers because of plural executive which is the (division of executive (governor’s) power among several other elected officials) Limits governor power  TX. Constitution is very long because too much policy is spelled out (TX. = 80,000 words long, over 400 Amendments

3 U.S. Constitution Similarities Texas Constitution  Constitution change/grow through 2 methods: 1. Numbered amendment 2. Judicial interpretation  Highest law of the land  Written September 17, 1787 ratified and became effective March 4, 1789  change/grow through 1 methods: 1.Numbered amendment  May not make laws that go against the U.S. Constitution  Written in 1876 (last), Texas has had 6 constitutions,  Limits governor power

4 U.S. Constitution Similarities Texas Constitution  Bicameral  Plan of government  Makes a government legal  Clear duties of major officials  How voters select officials  Limit the power of government  Three branches of government  Bill of Rights  The group of white males involved in the writing of the Constitution is generally referred to as the "framers".

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