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Ratifying the Constitution 7.4. Ratification Process Each state held Each state held Ratifying Conventions Madison wanted delegates chosen by popular.

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Presentation on theme: "Ratifying the Constitution 7.4. Ratification Process Each state held Each state held Ratifying Conventions Madison wanted delegates chosen by popular."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ratifying the Constitution 7.4

2 Ratification Process Each state held Each state held Ratifying Conventions Madison wanted delegates chosen by popular vote Madison wanted delegates chosen by popular vote “We the People…” Only 9 states were needed for it to take effect.

3 Anti-Federalists Those who were against ratifying the Constitution. Many wrote essays about its dangers –The Anti-Federalist Papers

4 Anti-Federalist Philosophy A Distant Government cannot maintain a Republic. Republics can only thrive in small communities in which people care for the common good.

5 Federal taxes could ruin our people. Standing army is tool of oppression. Congress lacked limits on its power Shared Powers could lead to corruption The President will be an elected King

6 The Constitution has direct power over the People, but it does not guarantee liberties Therefore, Lack of a Bill of Rights is enough reason NOT to ratify the Constitution The Big Reason

7 The Federalist Position

8 Federalists Supported strong national govt. Madison, Hamilton, & Jay wrote 85 essays to lessen fears over strong central govt. The Federalist Papers

9 Madison :Federalist #10 A large Republic is so diverse that it will prevent any one faction from creating “majority-tyranny”

10 Ratification By June 1788, 9 states had ratified it. NY, VA, NC, RI had bitter debates. A Bill of Rights & Amendment Process was added to get Anti-Federalist support. By May 1790, all states had ratified it.


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