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+ Welcome to Miss Mahar’s Class: Third Grade GATE.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Welcome to Miss Mahar’s Class: Third Grade GATE."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Welcome to Miss Mahar’s Class: Third Grade GATE

2 + I’m a graduate of the Tustin Unified School District. I received my BA in Spanish from UC Santa Barbara, my Teaching Credential from UC Irvine, and my Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Concordia University. I have lived in two foreign countries and have traveled to over 30. I love to hike, run, go to the beach, read, learn anything new, scuba dive, travel, play tennis and softball, and teach!

3 +

4 My Teaching Philosophy challenging engaging and fun understanding respectful communicative

5 depth and complexity icons - content imperatives - scholarly attributes DIFFERENTIATION GATE Our Universal Theme this year is Order!

6 + Third Grade Activities & Events Shipley Nature Center for Gabrieli ñ o Native American Walk City Days California Indian Cultural Day Book Club

7 + New Language Arts Balance Literacy: Reader’s Workshop, Writer’s Workshop, Word Study, Read Aloud New Math Program Math 3A (advanced) Math Expressions

8 + Behavior Management TMA’s Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: School wide starbucks with a store for purchasing goodies Be respectful, be responsible and build relationships. Classroom Incentives: Star of the Week Raffle Tickets Awards Assembly Consequences: Clipboard: missing recess or parent contacted

9 + Homework Homework violations will be given for forgotten or unfinished assignments, and they must be signed and returned by a parent. 1.vocabulary (every other week) 2. math 3.Reading every night (20 min.) 4. finish up 5. Projects 6. Haiku 7. Signature on the Binder Reminder

10 + Common Core Standards new national standards less content, more critical thinking testing in 2014/2015 For more information: or

11 + PTO and H.E.R.O.E.S. Technology Art Masters John Yeiser PE teacher Reading Specialists Kindergarten Aides Field Trips Cultural Arts Assemblies supplies

12 To-Do List Sign up for your fall conference. Join Club 365. Return all office paperwork the first day of school. Please check YES for 1 and 2 on the Parent Rights card. Fill out two papers for Miss Mahar: 1. Volunteer Form 2. Parent Profile Bring a white men’s button down shirt. Check out our class Wish List. Bring an $8 donation for Binder Reminders. Become familiar with our class website. /

13 VOLUNTEER FORM Computer Lab: Fridays 8:20-9:10 Library: Wednesdays 10:25-10:55

14 + Thank you for coming!

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