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California’s Climate Future: Discussion Draft of the Governor’s Environmental Goals and Policy Report Louise Bedsworth, Deputy Director Governor’s Office.

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Presentation on theme: "California’s Climate Future: Discussion Draft of the Governor’s Environmental Goals and Policy Report Louise Bedsworth, Deputy Director Governor’s Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 California’s Climate Future: Discussion Draft of the Governor’s Environmental Goals and Policy Report Louise Bedsworth, Deputy Director Governor’s Office of Planning and Research

2 EGPR Requirements (Government Code §65041) OPR is required by state law to prepare, maintain, and regularly review an Environmental Goals and Policy Report (EGPR). According to state statute, the EGPR must: – Take a long-term perspective (20 – 30 years). – Include an overview of approved state environmental goals and objectives – Be consistent with the state’s planning priorities as defined by Assembly Bill (AB) 857 (Wiggins, 2002)

3 The Role of the EGPR (Government Code §65047) Record approved goals, policies and decisions related to growth and environmental quality, Advise the Legislature of statutory action required to implement state environmental goals and objectives, Inform state agencies, other levels of government, and the public of the state’s goals and vision, Provide a clear framework of goals and objectives as a guide to the preparation and evaluation of state functional plans, and Provide a basis for decisions and priorities for major public programs, capital projects and other actions, including the allocation of state resources for environmental purposes through the budget and appropriation process.

4 Goals and Context of the 2013/14 EGPR Goals: – Provide a vision for the state’s future – Outline cross-cutting goals for the next several decades – Link goals to metrics and indicators Context: – Population growth and demographic changes – Climate change

5 California’s Climate Future Meet 2020 GHG target Commit to deep reductions by 2050 – 80% below 1990 levels Establish a mid-term emission reduction target Integrate climate readiness and adaptation into planning and investment

6 EGPR: Vision and Cross-Cutting Goals Reducing Emissions AB 32 Scoping Plan Preparing for Impacts Safeguarding California Research to inform policy Climate Change Research Plan

7 Context for the EGPR Growing PopulationChanging Climate

8 Context for the EGPR Growing Inequity Projected change, 2009–2025 Greater than 20% Less than 20% Inland Growth

9 California @ 50 Million: A Vision for California’s Future Strong economy Thriving urban areas Prosperous rural regions Clean Environment Clean and efficient energy systems Efficient and sound infrastructure

10 Cross-Cutting Goals Decarbonize the state’s transportation and energy systems Preserve and steward the state’s lands and resources Support healthy and sustainable communities Build climate readiness and resilience into all policies Improve cross-sector collaboration and data availability

11 Tracking Progress: Metrics and Indicators Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Community and Individual Health Equity and Opportunity Strong Economy and Quality of Life Creativity and Entrepreneurship

12 Overarching framework Progress toward meeting state goals Measured across values EGPR Indicators Place-based indicators at MPO scale Focus on sustainability and SGC goals Regional Progress Report Community-based indicators HiAP framework Healthy Community Indicators State Region Local


14 EGPR Outreach: Public Workshops LocationDate San Bernardino, CA (SANBAG)Wednesday, February 19 Los Angeles, CA (SCAG)Thursday, February 20 San Diego, CA (SD Foundation)Monday, February 24 SF Bay Area (JPC)Wednesday, March 12 Chico, CATuesday, April 22 Bakersfield, CA (KernCOG)Wednesday, April 23 Fresno, CA (FresnoCOG)Thursday, April 24 Merced, CA (StanCOG)Friday, April 25 Los Angeles, CA (LARC)Tuesday, April 29 SacramentoMonday, May 5 Tahoe/Sierra RegionTBD

15 Input and Feedback What are the key issues for long-term sustainability in your region (or sector)? – Opportunities? – Challenges? What metrics would be helpful to monitor progress of programs and investments in your region (or sector)? What tools, data, or guidance are needed to support sustainability efforts in your region (or sector)?

16 Provide Comments List-serve for project updates: Send comments to:

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