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The Federalists supported the Constitution. They did not see a need to add anything – it was perfect the way it was! Three of the most famous Federalists.

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2 The Federalists supported the Constitution. They did not see a need to add anything – it was perfect the way it was! Three of the most famous Federalists were James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay

3 They believed that the Constitution created a national government that was too powerful. Men like George Mason and Patrick Henry also opposed the Constitution because there was no bill of rights to protect individual freedoms and felt it gave the president too much power

4 What were they? A series of essays that explained and supported the U.S. Constitution. They were meant to persuade people to ratify the Constitution with no changes or additions (like the Bill of Rights) Who wrote them? Madison, Hamilton, and Jay wrote them, but James Madison was the primary author

5 Federalists – larger farmers, merchants and artisans (wealthier population) Anti-Federalists – small farmers usually from rural areas (few wealthy members)

6 Demand a Bill of Rights to protect natural freedoms. They did not trust a powerful national government and wanted assurances against government taking away natural rights (you remember…life, liberty, pursuit of happiness)

7 1. Who were the Federalists? 2. Who were the Anti-federalists? 3. Why were the Federalist Papers written? 4. Who was the main author of the Federalist Papers? 5. What were the Anti-Federalists afraid of?

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