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Examining factors that influence successful student transfer between 2YC and 4YC/U in the geosciences Kaatje van der Hoeven Kraft With contributions from.

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Presentation on theme: "Examining factors that influence successful student transfer between 2YC and 4YC/U in the geosciences Kaatje van der Hoeven Kraft With contributions from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Examining factors that influence successful student transfer between 2YC and 4YC/U in the geosciences Kaatje van der Hoeven Kraft With contributions from Carolyn Wilson & Ben Wolfe

2 Factors that influence student persistence Integration/ Involvement Self-Regulation Capital Organization Culture AcademicSocial Motivation Extra & Co-curricular Academic SocialCultural Transfer receptivity Transfer shock Learning Strategies Mindset

3 What factors influence persistence from 2YC to 4YC/U in geoscience programs? National Survey of geoscience graduates at 4YC/U. – 596 total responses – 154 responses (26%) had attended 2YC at some point prior to completion

4 Factors that contributed to persistence Most commonly identified: personal motivation and transferred courses (Self Regulation & Organizational Culture) Less commonly identified: friends and academic advisors (Integration/ Involvement & Organizational Culture) Implications: – Community is important, but persistence may be more important. – As individuals committed to successful transfer, need to examine how Organizational Culture supports or inhibits student persistence.

5 Barriers to completing geoscience degree after transfer Four common themes: – Personal issues: time, family & money – Academic challenges: underprepared, math and structural geology – Self-regulation: motivation, emotion, employment of skills – Institutional barriers: transfer pathways, academic advisors, course offerings Many of these factors are true for non-transfer students, but may not be as acute (Wilson, 2014)Wilson, 2014

6 What can we do in our own classrooms? National Project (GARNET) collected data from introductory geology students.GARNET – 2000+ students at 4YC/Us – 450+ students at 2YCs – Motivation, interest, use of learning strategies Examined factors that predict persistence from one geology class to another This material is based on work supported by NSF DUE Award #: 1022980 (part of a collaborative grant) Any opinions, findings, and conclusions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF

7 What influences student persistence at classroom level? Students need to be interested in the content and have high self-efficacy in order to choose to persist. The classroom environment helps to dampen that impact Math plays a role with 2YC more so than 4YC/U in making the decision to persist

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