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Developing and Using a Sales System. Developed To Help TAB Members Achieve Greater Sales And Profits  Uses proven methods that have been used to take.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing and Using a Sales System. Developed To Help TAB Members Achieve Greater Sales And Profits  Uses proven methods that have been used to take."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing and Using a Sales System

2 Developed To Help TAB Members Achieve Greater Sales And Profits  Uses proven methods that have been used to take businesses to great levels of sales and profits

3 What’s In It For Me If I Use the Methods Increasing Sales?  A system that drives your business  A feeling of control over the sales of your business  A happier business life  More sales and profit!  Avenue to reaching your personal and company visions

4 Elements of a Sales Process  Include:  Method for creating and handling leads  Tracking Progress  Presentations - Demonstrations  Evaluating Prospects  Closing Process  Follow-up Procedures  Pipeline

5 What We’ll Cover During this workshop we will talk about why sales are not maximized for most privately owned businesses and what you need to manage for greater sales and profits

6 Developing and Using a Sales System  Do you have a clear written selling system?

7 Developing and Using a Sales System  Is there a written Company Vision  Are there long range sales objectives?  Are there clear short term company sales goals?  Do you have a written sales manual?

8 Developing and Using a Sales System  Accountability  Goal setting and benchmarking that are properly established  Weekly reporting system for the salespeople or yourself

9 Developing and Using a Sales System  Provide sales management tools such as phone screening, tracking number of prospects contacted and current status of all activities.

10 Developing and Using a Sales System Accountability to the sales plan budget –by salesperson –all other sales expense

11 Developing and Using a Sales System  Determine sales target goals  Customer Base  Existing growth  Up-sell  Markets  New Customers

12 Developing and Using a Sales System  Sales target goals will determine the allocation of your resources  Advertising  Marketing Aids  Personnel  Operations  IT

13 Developing and Using a Sales System  Develop specific sales strategies for each target  Expectation for each person responsible for execution  Measurements and reporting systems

14 Developing and Using a Sales System  Purchase software to monitor sales/profit targets  Evaluate results  Measure progress made  Measure failures and why  Make necessary adjustment as needed

15 Developing and Using a Sales System  Identify person responsible for:  Prospecting  Qualifying  Presentation  Closing  Support/Service  Repeat Selling

16 C ustomer R elationship M anagement  How often do you contact your prospects?  How often do you interact with your customers?

17 Wheel of Fortune Internet Mailers Emails Referrals Networking 1,000 Pieces 40 Responses 20 Appointments 6 Quality 3 1 $6,000 10 5 3 2 1,000 40 20 4 10 7 5 3 2 2 40 8 3 2 1 10


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