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Dr. Adrian Lorde President Barbados Sports Medicine Association.

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1 Dr. Adrian Lorde President Barbados Sports Medicine Association

2  Components of human resource development  Positive impact on the overall personality of the youth  Promotes good health, comradeship and a spirit of friendly competition  Provides beneficial recreation  Improves productivity  Fosters social harmony and discipline

3  Aims to integrate sport into the main stream of the economic and social life of Barbados  Aims to contribute to the development of the youth  Identifies sport as an avenue for physical exertion, leisure and competition  Educational programmes  Participation based on sport can be expanded  Sport can be used to address the aging phenomenon

4  Goal 3 BUILDING SOCIAL CAPITAL “Sports empowers individuals and groups to the benefit of the wider society. Sports creates economic growth.” “Sports also encourages positive behavioural change and creates social cohesion, in addition to allowing individuals to develop their talents and attain excellence in their chosen fields.”

5  Short and long term benefits developed out of hosting of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2007  Making Barbados the number one place in the world to live, work, play and invest

6 7 Targets developed 1. Export Barbados 2. Enjoy Barbados 3. Cricket Barbados 4. Sports Barbados 5. Green Barbados 6. Live Barbados 7. Think Barbados

7 TARGET 4 – Sports Barbados “Creating a passion in the population for creating sporting excellence and performance”

8 TARGET 4 – Sports Barbados Objectives  Complete the Strategic Plan for Sport  Enhance facility provision, management and readiness to host sporting events  Develop a menu of sports development programmes to inspire participation in sport/physical activity  Improve standards of corporate governance

9 TARGET 4 – Sports Barbados Key Benefits  Increase participation, sports success and national pride  Healthier and more active population less dependent on health services for CNCD  Increase overall employee performance and participation

10 ◦ Develop programmes and support designed to increase participation by Barbados’ athletes ◦ Raise the world and regional rankings of Football, Cricket, Netball, Basketball and other team sports ◦ Establish a Sports Academy for top athletes ◦ Support the Sports Management Programme at UWI

11 A national programme to coach and develop championship caliber teams, athletes, coaches and officials  Cricket  Football  Athletics  Swimming  Cycling  Volleyball

12  National Health & Wellness Programme ◦ Increase participation in sports and recreation for all age groups and both genders

13  National Health & Wellness Programme ◦ Increase fitness and health amongst the Barbados population through programmes that encourage wellness

14  National Health & Wellness Programme ◦ Increase the availability of usage of the national sports centres for the Barbadian citizens to encourage personal and community fitness

15 Many Sports Facilities  Kensington Oval  3 Ws Oval - UWI  National Stadium  Garfield Sobers Sports Complex - Gymnasium - Hockey Astroturf - Tennis Centre - Aquatic Centre  Golf Courses - Sandy Lane, Royal Westmoreland, Barbados Golf Club

16  Good weather all year round  A flat island  Natural facilities  Many beautiful white sandy beaches  Excellent air quality  Good transportation network  High literacy rate

17  Develops and Implements Sporting Policy and Programmes for the Government  Stimulates and facilitates the development of Sport

18  278 Staff  65 Sports Pavilions  72 Hard Courts (61 Lighted)  101 Playing fields (38 lighted)  59 National Sports Associations affiliated

19  58 Coaches including 3 Cuban coaches  16 Disciplines taught  85 Primary Schools  25 Secondary Schools  6 Priority sports indentified  “Get Active, Go Sports” - motto

20  Responsible for Olympic Sport  28 National Sports Associations  Funded by Sports Lottery, IOC grants  Hosts an Olympic Museum  Develops Olympic sports for all in Barbados

21  Annual Olympic Day activities in Barbados  Involvement of mass participation in Olympic Sport  Olympic Solidarity courses locally & overseas for training & certification of officials  Partnered with HSFB in a Healthy Lifestyles activity  Houses the Barbados Sports Medicine Association office

22  Competitive sports  Development of the sport  Formal training in sports  Course certification  Access to educational opportunities overseas for officials, coaches and athletes

23  Held under the Ministry of Social Care  Large participation of athletes over 50 years age  Initiated in 2000  Successful in Huntsman World Senior Games in Utah  Improves the health and self esteem of our our Seniors  Some events have become too serious and competitive  World record holders in Barbados

24  Serves as a bridge between youth sport and high performance  NGOs involvement in the struggle to keep citizens moving and healthy  Affiliated to NSA  Should have a recreational arm

25  Large Commercial Gyms  Community (Backyard Gyms) Gyms  Worksite gyms  Dance clubs – Latin, Ballroom, Line dancing  Extreme Sports – Younger persons  Martial arts clubs

26  Increased inactivity in schools  PE not compulsory  Co-education  Emphasis on academics  Sedentary kids – computer games  Fear of some illnesses, injury  Ignorance by parents, teachers, coaches  Increased obesity and CNCDs in children

27  Indigenous to Barbados  First played in the early 1930s  Referred to as "poor man's tennis" in relation to traditional tennis  Initially played in the road  Now special courts laid out  Being “exported” to the world

28  Open to all – a community game  Requires no sport attire  Bare footed players are allowed, but not recommended  Nominal equipment; an 8 inch net, a tennis ball and wooden paddles are moved easily  Fast, close volleys  Looks like table tennis outdoors... without a table  Court is the road, internationally it is played on tarmac on a 21ft X 10ft court

29  A natural playground  Not used enough by locals  Mostly it’s the elderly on mornings  Used for recreation and therapy  Heavily populated by tourists  Many Bajans still cannot swim  Beach cricket played  Introduction of beach volleyball


31  Not enough play parks  Poor road network  Busy roadways  Expensive gyms  Not enough side walks  Fear for the sea  NO TIME TO EXERCISE

32  Scholarships in physical education and sport  Workplace wellness programmes begun  More gyms, physical activity centres  Initiatives by private sector e.g. NATION Publishing Co., Surfside Wellness Centre  South coast Boardwalk

33  Policies  Programmes  Plans

34  Lectures  Meetings  Workshops  Seminars

35  Funding  Facilities  Foundations

36  Coalitions  Cooperation  Commissions

37  COMMITTMENT TO ACTION  Let us Get on the Road to the Wellness Revolution


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