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1 GSM and GPRS in hospitals STF264 HF Telecare and Wireless Health and Care Torbjørn Sund, Telenor.

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1 1 GSM and GPRS in hospitals STF264 HF Telecare and Wireless Health and Care Torbjørn Sund, Telenor

2 2 Mobiles at sea GSM at sea Telenor has invested in the company MCP (Maritime Communications Partner, an Ericsson off-spring), which develops a unique concept enabling the use of ordinary GSM mobile phones on board ferries and passenger cruise ships far at sea. In practical use Tested on board the passenger ferry Stena Scandinavica between Göteborg og Kiel. Currently being deployed on several ferries.

3 3 Mobiles in the air GSM in the Airbus 320

4 4 GSM offering in airplanes ARINC and Telenor presented a solution for GSM telephony in airplanes at the 25th World Airline Entertainment Association (WAEA) conference in Seattle, Washington (Oct. 2004) System based on GSM picocell and satellite Installation cost < US$ 100.000,- Call cost US$ 3,50/minute, US$ 1,-/SMS

5 5 Mobile phones in the hospital Øystein Jensen (Head of engineering, Norwegian State hospital): mobile phones... do not represent a special problem for medical technical equipment in the hospital (Seminar on communication in hospitals, March 2003) Odd Nordland (Sintef): … use of mobile phones is possible on certain areas in the hospital (seminar on security in hospitals, Oslo, 2004) BBC News: Hospitals could lift bans on mobile phone use following updated guidance by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (July 2004) Nathan Lawrentschuk (U.Melbourne) … hospitals should create mobile phone-friendly zones, rather than having patients and relatives huddled outside as they do now (Medical Journal of Australia, aug 2004)

6 6 Data distribution in the hospital based on GSM Cooperation between: Ringerike hospital ( Ascom wireless ( Telenor R&D ( Within the project Wireless Health and Care (WsHC)

7 7 Wireless Health & Care Wireless Health and Care (WsHC) is a multi-disciplinary, collaborative R&D project with prototype development in the following areas: - collection of sensor data (Bluetooth, Zigbee …) - data transfer to and from implantable probes - distribution of data to health personnel - communication between health personnel. The last two of these deal with communication between health personnel at the hospital, using GSM handsets for signalling, message passing, office synchronization and (surprise!) telephony. See home page for general

8 8 Ascom teleCARE Patient signal EPR Mobile EPR Voice dictation Office support Messaging call back MOPSIS - MObile-phone Patient SIgnalling System Sony Ericsson P 900 (nurse/doctor) Control unit client

9 9 MOPSIS - Technical solution Control unit client Patient signal Start web client http://…/…?id=3 web page transfer to next call patient demo

10 10 MOPSIS – Further development Access to patient journal - physiological parameters - counter-indications - patient history Access to colleagues, based on - location - capabilities - availability Access to expert knowledge - web - specialist databases

11 11 Other uses of a mobile terminal Routine office duties - meetings - internal e-mail Patient follow-up - appointments - notes taking (written, aural)

12 12 EPR – a key component Todays Electronic Patient Record: EPR == hospitals database Legacy structure, content and access mechanisms Internal data format tied to external presentation format Institutionalized access, every institution its own EPR Tomorrows EPR: EPR == information about the patient Structure, content tailored to network storage and access Format independent of presentation Access regulated by needs and roles WsHC and EPR Cooperation with Norwegian EPR supplier for test and prototype development

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