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COLD WAR HIGHLIGHTS Events that influence the course of the Cold War.

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Presentation on theme: "COLD WAR HIGHLIGHTS Events that influence the course of the Cold War."— Presentation transcript:

1 COLD WAR HIGHLIGHTS Events that influence the course of the Cold War.

2 DO NOW: Complete the following task on your note sheet. What foreign policy is illustrated in the cartoon? Where is the major area of concern? Explain the chaos that the communism vulture is carrying.

3 1940’s Highlights 1947- The Marshall Plan: provided money to European nations to prevent them from falling into communism. 1948- Berlin Blockade: USSR cut off access to Berlin in an attempt to remove western influence and aid. The Berlin Airlift brought supplies into West Berlin. 1949-NATO formed to allied democratic nations. US foreign policy shift to internationalism

4 Nuclear War

5 1950’s Highlights 1950 – Korean War begins to push communist forces back behind 38 th parallel. US will use military to enforce containment 1950 – Sen. Joe McCarthy began charging government officials as communist (McCarthyism) 1959 – France fails to remove communism from Vietnam. 1959 – Cuba falls to communism under Fidel Castro

6 McCarthyism

7 1960’s Highlights 1961 – Bay of Pigs Invasion: US trained a group of Cubans in a failed attempt to overthrow Communism in Cuba 1961 – Construction of Berlin Wall 1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis: Soviet missiles pointed at US in Cuba

8 1970’s Highlights 1972 – President Nixon visits China and opens relations 1972 – Realpolitik: power politics was adopted to have US decisions favor national interests rather than world opinion 1972 – Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT): agreement between US & USSR to limit arms supplies 1972 – Détente: warming up of the cold war during the 1970’s 1979 – USSR invades Afghanistan ending detente

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