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Research & development Standard and Interoperability – do they matter for ETPs ? If so, how far can we / should we go ? Brigitte Cardinaël, Head of Collaborative.

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Presentation on theme: "Research & development Standard and Interoperability – do they matter for ETPs ? If so, how far can we / should we go ? Brigitte Cardinaël, Head of Collaborative."— Presentation transcript:

1 research & development Standard and Interoperability – do they matter for ETPs ? If so, how far can we / should we go ? Brigitte Cardinaël, Head of Collaborative Research – France Telecom R&D 23 october 2006

2 research & development France Telecom Group title of document/date/author – p 2 Lessons learnt from the past… Success are based on full Industry, Research and Standardisation bodies synergy. Success is greater when customers/users of the standard is in the driver seat = Telco's. GSM FSAN HGI

3 research & development France Telecom Group title of document/date/author – p 3 Synergy is the key word Collaborative Research Frontier research Techno push Standardisation Services Interoperability SDO Vision Emerging techno On going standardisation ETP Ochestration of the sector Roadmap Testbeds, trials and prototypes Infrastructure validation Interoperability

4 research & development France Telecom Group title of document/date/author – p 4 Synergy is the key word eMobility Broadband access Seamless mobility Ambient Intelligence Future Internet NEM Unified user centric DRM Home networking Smart Home media center Broadcasting Content creation A common integrated testbed PANlab ? NESSI Distributed middelware Ubiquitous computing Networked enterprise Open source ISI Satellite

5 research & development France Telecom Group title of document/date/author – p 5 Synergy is the key word 3GPP TISPAN IETF Future Internet IEEE

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