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Why did the USSR invade Afghanistan? The end of the Cold War, 1979-91.

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Presentation on theme: "Why did the USSR invade Afghanistan? The end of the Cold War, 1979-91."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why did the USSR invade Afghanistan? The end of the Cold War, 1979-91

2 Why did the Soviets invade? 1979, USSR invaded Afghanistan, claiming it had been invited in to restore order.

3 Why did the Soviets invade? Doctrine Doctrine USSR version of ‘Domino Theory’ USSR version of ‘Domino Theory’. Close to Middle East oil Close to Middle East oil

4 How successful was the invasion? Soviet killed & wounded by Mujaheddin by: Soviet killed & wounded by Mujaheddin by:.. Isolated USSR & strengthened US-Sino relations Isolated USSR & strengthened US-Sino relations Gorbachev retreated in Gorbachev retreated in

5 How did Afghanistan affect East-West relations? President Carter described Soviet invasion as President Carter described Soviet invasion as US: US:... Moscow Olympic medal Los Angeles Olympic medal

6 Other U.S. Responses Senate refused to ratify SALT 2 treaty President Reagan described USSR as the US increased defense budget 464 Cruise missiles positioned in Europe SDI - Star Wars

7 What was the human cost? million Afghan refugees million Afghan refugees million Afghan deaths million Afghan deaths Food shortages due to deaths & destruction of farmland Food shortages due to deaths & destruction of farmland Soviet soldiers died Soviet soldiers died

8 Legacy of War Soviet Soviet would later become enemies of the US would later become enemies of the US Afghanis fought a civil war among themselves until Apr Afghanis fought a civil war among themselves until Apr Some Mujahideen would ally with Some Mujahideen would ally with took over in & imposed strict Shariah law took over in & imposed strict Shariah law

9 Osama bin Laden Osama bin Laden recruited and funded Osama bin Laden recruited and funded 1988, bin Laden split from the Mujahideen & formed a new group 1988, bin Laden split from the Mujahideen & formed a new group. Desert Storm, U.S. presence in Saudi Arabia infuriated bin Laden Desert Storm, U.S. presence in Saudi Arabia infuriated bin Laden.

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