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MTS#59 - Input from CTI Silvia Almagia May 2013

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1 MTS#59 - Input from CTI Silvia Almagia 14-15 May 2013
© ETSI All rights reserved

2 Outline SVN & Mantis upgrade Libsip IPT website TET Open points
© ETSI All rights reserved

3 SVN & Mantis upgrade: Objectives
Update SVN and MANTIS to the state of art To use VisualSVN To integrate SVN and MANTIS Add a note to a mantis issue, when the relevant fix has been committed To stop using SSH connection to SVN server Some companies’ security profiles do not allow SSH connections TTCN-3.ORG to become the focal point for TTCN-3 developers, allowing: To download releases of published test suites and TTCN-3 libraries Link to ETSI Work Program portal To browse the source code Link to VisualSVN web interface To raise issues on releases Link to Mantis © ETSI All rights reserved

4 VisualSVN Anonymous read only access to published test suites and TTCN-3 libraries: Which allows browsing the code via the web interface And includes the possibility of anonymous checkout of the code Read/write access to project members With LDAP authentication (EOL account) From any SVN client © ETSI All rights reserved

5 SVN Migration / Backup Plan
Current SVN structure analysis / inventory, to identify: SVN repositories that need to be transferred to the new server Duplicated, empty or obsolete svn repositories, that will not be migrated New SVN structure being defined: Consistent among different projects / technologies Making the browsing more intuitive: technology, TS number, etc.. Current SVN server ( will be kept alive For currently running STF As “historic” backup for CTI But once ongoing STFs have finished, Remaining projects will be migrated to new server external user access to old SVN server will be restricted © ETSI All rights reserved

6 MANTIS To add LDAP authentication (EOL account)
Same user for MANTIS and SVN To add a note to a mantis issue, when the relevant fix has been committed Reporters will still be able to use “old” MANTIS authentication But will be encouraged to switch to EOL Developers will need to use LDAP authentication (EOL account) New server will provide a “project subscription” feature, allowing to receive notifications upon new issue creation, etc.. © ETSI All rights reserved

7 MANTIS Migration Plan Developers (and CTI) will need to login to the new server with LDAP (EOL) account to enable this new user Issues will be re-assigned from old users to applicable LDAP (EOL) accounts All old users (which have not switched to EOL) will become reporters, and will need to switch to EOL if they whish to become developers again. © ETSI All rights reserved

8 SVN & Mantis upgrade: Current Status
New VisualSVN and Mantis have been installed by IT on a new server and internal tests are ongoing SVN new structure and migration plan is ongoing Mantis-LDAP (EOL) integration is ongoing Mantis does not provide Out-Of-The-Box solution to manage LDAP and internal data base at the same time Development of the hooks between VisualSVN and Mantis has started Main tasks should be completed by mid June Migration is scheduled during the summer © ETSI All rights reserved

9 Siplib:SipUrl extension - Context
New INT and 3GPP/RAN Tests Suites need to address Service using URN scheme (e.g. application of SOS service) Current TTCN-3 type system was created to address sip-user/tel schemes only not prepared for new services (URN, ...) Several options were presented by 3GPP/RAN to TC MTS and TC INT TC INT and 3GPP RAN5 have agreed the following common recommendation © ETSI All rights reserved

10 TC INT + 3GPP RAN5 common approach
type record SipUriComponents { // sip-uri acc. to RFC 3261 cl UserInfo userInfo optional, HostPort hostPort } type record TelUriComponents { // tel-uri acc. to RFC 3966 charstring subscriber type record UrnUriComponents { // urn-uri acc. to RFC 2141 charstring namespaceId, // e.g. "service" as acc. to RFC 5031 charstring namespaceSpecificString // e.g. "sos" type union UriComponents { SipUriComponents sip, // scheme: "sip" or sips" TelUriComponents tel, // scheme: "tel" UrnUriComponents urn, // scheme: "urn" charstring other // scheme: none of the above schemes type record SipUrl { charstring scheme, // e.g "sip" or "tel" UriComponents components, // new union element to select uri type SemicolonParam_List urlParameters optional, AmpersandParam_List headers optional Clear separation of each scheme Evolutive approach

11 Impact of this approach
For TC INT: Existing Test Suites will need to be slightly adapted so that they support the new version of SipLib. This effort has been estimated to 5 days. For tool vendors: The existing codec for SipLib will require an update. TC INT and 3GPP RAN5 ask MTS to kindly endorse the recommended Siplib extension © ETSI All rights reserved

12 IPT Web site New problem reported by ETSI IT end of April: high CPU consumption triggered by one script. The page causing the problem was temporally deactivated to protect the server A test server was installed to enable investigation It was identified that: The script was not able to reach the DB (misconfiguration?) The time out value was too long (20 minutes!) Some improvements should be considered to secure the code accessing the DB (error handling). 2 first points were fixed and it seams that the problem is now fixed 3rd point will be further investigated by CTI. © ETSI All rights reserved

13 Update from the TET (1/2) New since the was launched:
3GPP LTE UE test suites ITS test suites New libs (ITS, IPV6) Events page New search engine in the TTCN3 bibliography Online login allows minor updates creation, review and approval directly on the life site A test site has been deployed and is being used as playground for major modifications (forum, ...) © ETSI All rights reserved

14 Update from the TET (2/2) Ongoing : Planned :
Categorize the Test Suites by origin (3GPP, ETSI, OMA) Forum - in progress in the test site Accounts Categories creation Ttcn-3 mailing list import Link to ttcn-3 mailing list Planned : Diameter LIB OMA test suites Integration of VisualSVN © ETSI All rights reserved

15 3 open points CTI to create a mailing TTCN-3 Tools Vendors and propose a process for the use/submission CTI to investigate if Tool Vendors can monitor only some specific project on Mantis, to received CR allocated to a dedicated project. First proposal for a process of introducing changes to TTCN-3 libraries © ETSI All rights reserved

16 Point 1 CTI to create a mailing TTCN-3 Tool Vendors and propose a process for the use/submission List created: To subscribe, send an mail to with the following command in the message body: SUBSCRIBE TTCN3_TOOL_VENDORS Subscription requires CTI approval A notification was sent to MTS and RAN5 Tool vendors (Shicheng’s list) © ETSI All rights reserved

17 Point 1 (cont) Currently on the list: 13 people Silvia Almagia Hellen Griffiths Shaun Harry Shicheng Hu Andrus Lehtmets (Elvior) Stephan Pietsch Wolfgang Seka Bogdan Stanca-Kaposta Lauer Thilo Mathew Valdar Theofanis Vassiliou-Gioles Jerry Wang Corinna Wiegert © ETSI All rights reserved

18 Point 2 CTI to investigate if Tool Vendors can monitor only some specific project on Mantis, to received CR allocated to a dedicated project. New requirement for New Mantis Server: to be configured to send notifications to project ‘developers’ upon new CR creation. Those ‘non-developers’ who wish to monitor new CRs on a particular project can also “subscribe” to be notified upon new CR creation In addition notifications could also be automatically sent to © ETSI All rights reserved

19 Point 3 First proposal for a process of introducing changes to TTCN-3 libraries Mantis CR creation Decision with relevant CTI contact (depending on technology) to make a release Cross TB Consensus and change implementation No formal cross TB Remote Consensus procedure exists Parallel/cascading Remote Consensus too complex Proposal: run RC on a single TB and invite other TBs to participate (individual participants will have to register to the TB running the RC) Release © ETSI All rights reserved

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