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Geographical Perspectives Where are today’s conflicts taking place.

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1 Geographical Perspectives Where are today’s conflicts taking place

2 Brief Intro... Conflicts on a small or large scale are happening on virtually every content. Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe are all experiencing conflicts. For example Mali...



5 Some conflicts are raging while others are simmering below the surface, ready to erupt at any moment.

6 The Conflict of Darfur

7 Darfur has been going through a civil war since 2003. The province of Darfur is made up of three states that are located in western Sudan. Sudan is divided up into 50 black and Arab ethnic groups. The central government is controlled by the Arab minority.

8 Causes Darfur is dealing with many issues. Firstly, there is a battle over space because of a population increase. Secondly, drought has left the land uninhabitable and water is scarce.

9 The discovery of petroleum has also sparked Interest in this region. Conflicts have erupted between ethnic groups. Despite rumours of genocide the large global powers do not seem to agree with the idea of using an interventionary force. This is because there are major geopolitical and economic issues at stake. Petroleum and religion (holy war).

10 Strategies The international strategy consists of placing a trade embargo on arms destined for Sudan in order to for the Sudanese government to ask the Arab militia to end their massacres. These economic sanctions have been put into place by several countries (European & US).

11 China’s Role China is adopting a non-interventionist attitude arguing that the Darfur conflict is a Sudanese dispute that must be resolved by the Sudanese. Russia and China used their veto power to prevent UN Security Council from voting in favour of military action. Amnesty international accused China and Russia of violating an embargo and of sending arms to Sudan.

12 Crisis! This conflict has led to a massive humanitarian crisis in Darfur. According to the UN approximately 300 000 people have died and 2.5 million displaced. In 2004, NATO the European Union, Canada, and the U.S. led its very first peacekeeping mission in Darfur. The President of Sudan has been accused of war crimes.

13 The Congo

14 Civil War in the Congo The Democratic country of Congo (DRC) is the third largest state on the African continent. It is also home to 250 ethnic groups. The Congo has abundant natural resources ex: gold, copper, petroleum, iron, diamonds and bauxite which attract a lot of interest from other countries and multinationals.

15 Conflicts The DRC has had several deadly conflicts since achieving 1960. Its most recent civil war officially ended in 2003, but rebel groups have refused to lay down their weapons. The fighting resumed with vigour in 2008. The UN has been involved but their presence does not seem to be enough to prevent the fighting. Outside interference is economically motivated with the objective of exploiting natural resources.

16 The Israeli- Palestinian Conflict This conflict is probably the most complex in the world today. Not only does it have historical, territorial, religious, cultural, and economic causes it also involves natural resources like water.


18 In the 1920’s Palestine becomes the scene of confrontations between Arabs and Jewish people Jewish people were returning to this territory- their ancestors land- because of persecutions in Europe.

19 Following WWII the handling of Palestine was given to the UN. The UN decides to partition the land between the Jewish people (50%) and the Palestinians (43%). The plan was rejected by the Palestinians but it was adopted by the UN general assembly anyway. 7% is neutral, belonging to the Holy city of Jerusalem.

20 The Israeli- Palestinian conflict is punctuated by civil wars, bombings and periods of war with neighbouring countries. The Jewish diaspora in the US and Western Europe strengthen the link between Israel and the West. The Palestinians receive aid from Arab countries and China.

21 The War on Terror For many countries these days, any support one state gives to terrorism constitutes a justifiable reason for launching a military intervention in the state.

22 Afghanistan Afghanistan is a Central Asian country that has witnessed numerous conflicts. The Taliban regime which is made up of Islamic extremists, is targeted as an accomplice of Al-Qaeda terrorists. In November 2001 Afghanistan was invaded by US and British forces. NATO forces joined too. NATO feared the Taliban would seize control of Pakistan, a nuclear power through Afghanistan. The UN did not formally validate the invasion.


24 Although the Taliban was ousted in 2001 the war is still not over, since it has turned into guerrilla warfare between the Taliban and the new Afghan government.

25 Iraq Since the 1990’s Iraq has been under embargo after tensions between the Iraqi government and the US government. In 2001 the US government decided to extend its war on terror to include Iraq, which it accuses of supporting Al-Qaeda and hiding weapons of mass destruction.

26 The US tried to persuade the UN but the council members were unconvinced due to a lack of evidence. The US forms a coalition with the UK and enters into war against Iraq. Saddam Hussein was removed from power. The conflict turned into guerilla warfare. Conflict draws in members of Al- Qaeda to Iraq.

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