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Get Scripts organized and turned into the basket. Late Penalty: 10% per day it is late. So turn it in Monday to minimize the damage.

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Presentation on theme: "Get Scripts organized and turned into the basket. Late Penalty: 10% per day it is late. So turn it in Monday to minimize the damage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Get Scripts organized and turned into the basket. Late Penalty: 10% per day it is late. So turn it in Monday to minimize the damage.

2 Does it really matter? “ Do you favor or oppose the U.S. war in Afghanistan?” Favor: 39% Oppose: 58% Unsure: 3% *CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll What is the difference between a limited war and a total war? Which are we fighting in Afghanistan?

3 What things does a country need to fight a TOTAL WAR? Food $$$$$ Medical Supplies/Doctors Weapons/Military Supplies Soldiers Transportation Clothing Support of the people – Sedition Act – Espionage Act

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