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Service Supply Relationships

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1 Service Supply Relationships

2 Learning Objectives Discuss the concept of customer-supplier duality.
Discuss the challenge of managing a bidirectional service supply relationship. Classify the purchase of a business service. Discuss the implications of purchasing business services.

3 Supply Chain for Physical Goods

4 Customer-Supplier Duality in Service Supply Relationships (Hubs)

5 Single-Level Bidirectional Service Supply Relationship
Category Customer -Supplier >Input Output> Provider Minds Student >Mind Knowledge> Professor Bodies Patient >Tooth Filling> Dentist Belongings Investor >Money Interest> Bank Information Client >Documents 1040> Tax Preparer

6 Two-Level Bidirectional Service Supply Relationship
Category Customer -Supplier >Input Output> Provider Provider’s Supplier Minds Patient >Disturbed Treated> Therapist >Prescription Drugs> Pharmacy Bodies >Blood Diagnosis> Physician >Sample Test Result> Lab Belongings Driver >Car Repaired> Garage >Engine Rebuilt> Machine Shop Information Home Buyer >Property Loan> Mortgage Company >Location Clear Title> Title Search

7 Managing Service Supply Relationships
Bi-directional Optimization Managing Productive Capacity - Transfer: make knowledge available (e.g. web based FAQ database) - Replacement: substitute technology for server (e.g. digital blood pressure device) - Embellishment: enable self-service by teaching (e.g. change surgical dressing) Management of Perishability

8 Impact of Service Supply Management

9 Impact of Service Chain Management

10 Purchasing Business Services
The Business Service Purchasing Process: intangible, many personnel affected, often customized, end user involvement, and complex. Classification of Business Services - Focus of Service (property, people, process) with consideration for tangibility - Importance of Service (in relation to firm’s core business)

11 Purchasing Process

12 Taxonomy for Purchasing Business Services

13 Purchasing Considerations

14 Purchasing Considerations

15 Purchasing Considerations

16 Topics for Discussion What are some possible disadvantages associated with the product postponement strategy? Discuss the similarities and differences in the product postponement strategy used by Hewlett-Packard and Taco Bell? Speculate on the effect that the Internet will have on the process of business-to-business purchase of services?

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