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European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems Helmut Wolf Phone: +49 (0) 6131 – 18 - 2249 ETSI Workshop on RFID and The Internet.

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Presentation on theme: "European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems Helmut Wolf Phone: +49 (0) 6131 – 18 - 2249 ETSI Workshop on RFID and The Internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems Helmut Wolf E-mail: Phone: +49 (0) 6131 – 18 - 2249 ETSI Workshop on RFID and The Internet Of Things, 3rd and 4th December 2007

2 RFID and The Internet Of Things, ETSI, December 2007 2 European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems Vision Today RFID mainly used within closed environment and specific applications (supply chain, logistics, retail, identification of persons, access control) Tomorrow RFID technology might be a part of all areas of production and everybodys life Readers/Writers (ans so Tags) are expected to communicate via public networks with various applications, new services will be generated. Impacts comparable to the introduction of µProcessors

3 RFID and The Internet Of Things, ETSI, December 2007 3 European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems TCAM Statement At its 21 st meeting, Oct. 2006 TCAM clearly stated that RFID Readers / Writers, RFID Tags active and passive fall within the scope of the R&TTE directive! TCAM: Telecommunications Conformity Assessment and Market Surveillance Committee R&TTE: Directive ….. on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity

4 RFID and The Internet Of Things, ETSI, December 2007 4 European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems Application of R&TTE RFID-components are radio equipment Art.2 (a,c) telecommunications terminal equipment Art.2 (a,b), if they are intended to be connected directly or indirectly to a public network

5 RFID and The Internet Of Things, ETSI, December 2007 5 European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems Requirements on Apparatus (R&TTE Art. 3) protection of the health and the safety of persons electromagnetic compatibility -interworking (incl. no interworking) -harm to the network / misuse of the network -privacy of data -fraud avoidance -emergency services -facilitate its use by users with a disability effective use of the spectrum allocated to avoid harmful interference Art.3(1) Art.3(2) Art.3(3)

6 RFID and The Internet Of Things, ETSI, December 2007 6 European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems Why should ETSI work on Standards R&TTE directive: Article 5 Harmonised standards 1. Where apparatus meets the relevant harmonised standards or parts thereof whose reference numbers have been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, Member States shall presume compliance with those of the essential requirements referred to in Article 3 as are covered by the said harmonised standards or parts thereof.

7 RFID and The Internet Of Things, ETSI, December 2007 7 European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems Declaration of Conformity Conformity could be declared By fully application of existing relevant listed harmonised standards Reference to the relevant listed harmonised Standards Without application or in absence of relevant listed harmonized standards Detailed construction file required Partly application existing relevant listed harmonised standards Detailed construction file required

8 RFID and The Internet Of Things, ETSI, December 2007 8 European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems Advantages of Harmonised Standards Support of placing on the market, free movement putting into service operation interworking of components, compatibility data security / integrity transparency of conditions reduced risk of dead end developments

9 RFID and The Internet Of Things, ETSI, December 2007 9 European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems ETSI key competences on Standards Areas of Standardisation -radio interface -interworking, incl. no interworking -harm to the network / misuse of the network -privacy of data -fraud avoidance -emergency services In the case of sufficient Support by ETSI-members, ETSI should signalize that ETSI is prepared to undertake such standardisation work

10 RFID and The Internet Of Things, ETSI, December 2007 10 European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems Further Standardisation Activities R&TTE directive covers radio and terminal equipment Hovewer, without connection of RFID readers/writers to application via networks, the benefits of RFID- technology remain rather poor Network aspects of Identification Systems (including RFID) need to be considered RFID are part of such ID-systems ETSI should be prepared to participate actively in such ongoing standardisation activities on NID within ITU

11 RFID and The Internet Of Things, ETSI, December 2007 11 Thank You for your Attention Helmut Wolf E-mail: Phone: +49 (0) 6131 – 18 - 2249

12 RFID and The Internet Of Things, ETSI, December 2007 12 Backup

13 RFID and The Internet Of Things, ETSI, December 2007 13 European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems R&TTE Article 1 Scope and aim 1. This Directive establishes a regulatory framework for the placing on the market, free movement and putting into service in the Community of radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment. 2. …..

14 RFID and The Internet Of Things, ETSI, December 2007 14 European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems R&TTE Article 2 Definitions …. (b) telecommunications terminal equipment means a product enabling communication or a relevant component thereof which is intended to be connected directly or indirectly by any means whatsoever to interfaces of public telecommunications networks (that is to say, telecommunications networks used wholly or partly for the provision of publicly available telecommunications services); …..

15 RFID and The Internet Of Things, ETSI, December 2007 15 European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems R&TTE Article 2 Definitions …. (c) radio equipment means a product, or relevant component thereof, capable of communication by means of the emission and/or reception of radio waves utilising the spectrum allocated to terrestrial/ space radiocommunication; …..

16 RFID and The Internet Of Things, ETSI, December 2007 16 European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems R&TTE Art. 3 (1): essential requirements applicable to all apparatus: -protection of the health and the safety of the user and any other person -protection requirements with respect to electromagnetic compatibility

17 RFID and The Internet Of Things, ETSI, December 2007 17 European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems R&TTE Art. 3 (2): in Addition requirements applicable to radio equipment: -effective use of the spectrum allocated -to avoid harmful interference

18 RFID and The Internet Of Things, ETSI, December 2007 18 European Standards for (RF)ID-Systems R&TTE Art. 3 (3): The Commission can define further require- ments on apparatus within certain classes: interworking (incl. no interworking) harm to the network / misuse of the network privacy of data fraud avoidance emergency services facilitate its use by users with a disability

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