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1 ETSI and the two paradigms of Dialogue on Standards Margot Dor Director Business Development & Global Project Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ETSI and the two paradigms of Dialogue on Standards Margot Dor Director Business Development & Global Project Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ETSI and the two paradigms of the @LIS Dialogue on Standards Margot Dor Director Business Development & Partnerships @LIS Global Project Coordinator ETSI Study Trip of the Secretaria de Salud de Mexico Sophia Antipolis, 3-4 April 2006

2 2 In the EU Policy Making European Commission ETSI works closely with EC and many other organisations Regulation NRAs ETSI provides technical specifications to support regulation Frequency issues CEPT ETSI collects, co-ordinates and contributes frequency requirements for the ICT community ICT Standards ETSI ETSI seeks to produce global standards 20% ETSI Members have no established operations in EU

3 3 ICT Standards organization, private not for profit Global membership (650+ Members, 80% industry, 20% overseas) Track record of worldwide industrial hits (fixed, mobile, broadcast)… …enabled also by a recognized IPR policy (FRAND) Favors partnerships (regional/technical) Founding partner and home of the 3GPP (EU/US/China/Japan/Korea) Broadcast (EBU/CLC) Interoperability services (test specs, test suites, interop testing- PlugTests) Forum hosting All standards available free of charge …ETSI, who are we exactly?

4 4 Partnerships Mapping of Partnerships ITU-T ITU-R JTC1 GTSC GRSC WIMAX forum NENA CITEL CCSA DVB Project AHCIET GSMA & GSM LA IEEE IPv6 Forum TETRA MoU (70 altogether) International bodies Interregional Co-operation CENELEC CEN Europe

5 5 Global Standards Collaboration Interregional collaboration on selected standardization subjects between ISACC (Canada) ATIS (USA) TIA (USA) ITU (International) TTC (Japan) TTA (Korea) ACIF (Australia) ARIB (Japan) (Chin a)

6 6 ETSI Partnership Projects 3 rd Generation Partnership Project -specifying 3 rd Generation mobile technologies, based on an evolution of the GSM core network, and members of the ITUs IMT-2000 family Organizational Partners: ARIB (Japan), CCSA (China), ETSI, TTA (Korea), TTC (Japan), ATIS (USA) Market Representation Partners: GSA, GSM Association, UMTS Forum, IPv6 Forum, 3G Americas, TD-SCDMA Forum, TDIA http://www.

7 7 ETSI Partnership Projects Mobile Broadband for Emergency and Safety Applications Formerly: Public Safety Partnership Project initiated by ETSI Project TETRA (under the name of DAWS) and by TIA and the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) under APCO's Project 34. Organizational Partners: ETSI, TIA (USA) Observers: ISACC (Canada), TTA (Korea) http://www.

8 8 The two paradigms of the @LIS Dialogue on Standards

9 9 Network of Regulators (Regulatel) Dialogue on Standardization (ETSI) Dialogue on Policy & Regulation (ECLAC) Interconnection of Research Networks (Geant/Red Clara) digital inclusion e-gov. e-education e-health A birds eye view of the @LIS programme Stakeholders Network

10 10 How we tailored the Dialogue on Standards Positioning Open Standards are key to enable the development of ICT services and applications that help bridge the digital divide Objectives Increase awareness of the EU standardization system Increase ETSI visibility and standards adoption in LA Increase bilateral work flow Means 3,8 million euros (2003-2006) ETSI contribution indirect –i.e. in kind

11 11 Year 1: Building awareness for ETSI standards, ways (specifics), and services And reconciling an industrial logic (standards making) with development/cooperation oriented objectives

12 12 We got industry on board Amid much worthy talk about bridging the Digital Divide, technology firms have realized that fostering the adoption of ICT in the developing world would not just benefit locals but is in vendors best interest as well The Economist, March 13, 2004

13 13 The toolbox Workshops/road shows (liaison w/regional partners) DVB, mobile comms, ETSI/3GPP generic… Linking with sub-regional and national organizations Policy: Mercosur, Andean… Technology: CPqD, IPT, CONACYT… Trade shows ETSI Village of Connectivity in Futurecom (Br), Expocomm (Mx)… CITEL meetings COM-CITEL, PCC I & II Literature, white papers Press, etc Always in liaison with Members and partners-EU and LA

14 14 The wake up call

15 15 Latin American countries do produce ICT standards So long the split standards makers/standards takers Latin America, China… The public sector is at the forefront ICT for economic development-software, political agendas A usage-driven standardization model Services and applications first > Interoperability is the keyword Straight to the top No legacy of standards making in the lower layers… A key topic (for a SDO): the all open source model Brazil the most radical country

16 16 @METIS: A Dialogue between EU and Latin America Interoperability profilers Objectives Create a think tank on specifications and interoperability profiles for e-policies applications (both policy and technology) Enable the development of joint deliverables (strategic and/or technical). Ways and means ETSI role will be to enable/be a focal point @LIS Dialogue on Standards (seed money) Two pronged approach Enable bilateral relations between EU and LA organizations Foster multi-lateral cooperation for the joint development of interoperability profiles

17 17 Who is in (so far) « European » side ETSI, W3C, Franhofer/FOKUS, EC, CEN/ISSS, INRIA, National Administrations, ObjectWeb, OSA/Parlay. Latin America ECLAC, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico (policy makers and technology strategists) This is just a start OECD, UN/CEFACT, other LA countries and organizations

18 18 @METIS, Dialogue on Interop profiles @LIS, Dialogue on Standards

19 19 From EU to Latin America…and back Interoperability (interop profiles) Middleware, web services Usage driven standardization (platforms for applications and services) IDABC (ENTR), EIF, Revision 98/34 the key question of Open Standards In addition to enriching the Dialogue on Standards, @METIS gives ETSI the opportunity to take strong positions on topics that are key to its future

20 20 Dialogue (d i-alog) A conversation between two or more persons. For a successful dialogue, the partners must achieve a workable balance of contributions

21 21 9:45 Introduction to ETSI technical organization - Overview of ETSI and its working structure and Technical Committees. - The DVB/RCS activities in ETSI Committees (Broadcasting, Satellite) Marcello Pagnozzi, Technical Officer Satellite communication s (SES), ETSI 10:15Coffee 10:45 Landscape of e-health issues in Mexico Adriana Velazquez, Directora General CENETEC 11:15 Introduction to Satellite Systems -An overview of the evolution of satellite systems and VSAT networks -Convergence of voice and data in satellite networks Giovanni Garofalo, European Space Agency 11:45 Introduction to the DVB & and the RCS standard -An overview of the origin of the standard -Functional description of the standard -Technical Description of the standard -Future of the standard -ESA Strategy for DVB-RCS Giovanni Garofalo, ESA

22 22 AFTERNOON IN ALCATEL ALENIA SPACE, CANNES Demonstration: Health Applications for DVB/RCS -Introduction to the demonstrations -Videoconference with CHU Nice and presentation of the Medicin@pais program -Participation to a real time tele-consultation -Teleradiology solution for remote diagnosis -Remote echography transmission -Operation and organization of satellite services for medical attention Visit of AASF facilities -Clean rooms, Integration & tests areas -Operation centre and hub Pascal Lochelongue, Olivier Autran, Pierre Leon, Patrick Pigeau, Alcatel + Giovanni Garofalo, ESA + Mexican delegation + team ETSI

23 23 09:00 Health Implementations on Satellite platforms Projects presentation: Health-ware Specificities of DVB-RCS Pascal Lochelongue, Alcatel 9:30 Health Implementations on Satellite platforms (continued) CNES projects presentation Security aspects for health networks, status of standardization in Dr Antonio Guell, CNES 11:30Coffee 12:00 ETSI standards for Smart Cards Security, Encryption, Data privacy... The ETSI WellComm project Interoperability and standards in medical computing Gaby Lenhart, Project Leader Well Comm ETSI 12:30Lunch 14:00 Healthcare systems and applications Stephane Mouille Head of Healthcare marketing Gemplus 16:00Wrap up and closure of the meeting

24 24 Gracias, Thank you

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